Chapter 24: Sparring!

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A/N: I decided to go ahead and introduce Rui's theme since her theme hasn't been in any scene yet...other than Mr. Kane's fight. HOPE YOU ENJOY :D!


Rui was seen skipping down the hall of the mansion, trailing beside Sikiyona. Siki's eyes were staring at the insect woman wondering why she was acting all giddy. "The behavior you express, I do not comprehend... Please clarify in detail," Siki couldn't understand why Rui was so energetic.

"I'm just so happy that I got a roommate and we have a new ally! Why wouldn't I be excited?!" Expressing with glee, caused Siki's unchanging features actually look a tad bit shocked.

This woman... She is indeed odd. Siki mentally spoke and kept up with her pace. Bumping into a chest, she rose her head and met a man clad in black. "You're the one who kidnapped me... If my memory is correct, you go by the name Black Shifter." Miss frosty stated in her robotic tone and Shifter towered over her 5'6 frame. Only being able to see the glowing neon green eye sockets that she noticed before.

"Indeed... Forgive me for holding you down but you needed to be restrained... Aside from that, I'm here on behalf of the Chairman. Answer the questions he has for you and I shall leave..." He demanded with his strong, deep, and mature voice. Seeing Cold Chill nod, he carried on. "He requires the Leader's full name and since you've worked for him, I presume you know it," Shifter assumed and folded his arms, he was simply trying to complete the task Netero assigned him.

"Vince Bodaodai," She promptly answered. Shifter took out a small notepad from his trench coat and wrote down his name.

"His appearance? And please, be descriptive." He questioned her with his neon peepholes gazing at her.

"Blonde hair, red eyes, has lines under his eyes that represent the lack of sleep and his skin is not paperwhite, it is pale. His face is adorned by a white chemical mask and wears a long white lab coat. A tight dark gray shirt that buttons up on his side, white lab pants, and black leather shoes. There are no scars or bodily piercings." Explaining to the man, Shifter wrote as he heard her speak. Being the same height as Servine truly made her look like a kid in comparison.

"I appreciate your cooperation, you truly have turned a new leaf... Now, I must be off, good luck with your training," He simply said and turned his heel to leave; walking down the hall but vanished out of thin air after a few passing moments.

Siki just stood there gazing into nothingness with her frosted eyes, until Rui tapped her shoulder. She moved her atention to see what Rui wanted, only to be met with a slightly worried look. "Are you ok?" Rui's voice was soft and was obviously concerned.

Siki nodded and moved onward, followed by Rui. As they wandered down the halls they passed a window and saw Ruby sparing with Hisoka. Rui gasped in surprise and ran closer to view her, Siki...just peeked out from behind. "Ruby-chan is fighting Hisoka! Looks like Hisoka finally got his wish, haha!" She gleefully cheered then ran off in a hurry. The Glacial Reaper herself was too confused as to why she got so excited all of a sudden.

Ruby and Hisoka shot out attacks left and right. She had her silver, metallic armor conjured and had apparently summoned it quite sometime before. Hisoka did multiple backflips while Ruby shot out swift light rays from her rapier. In slow motion, Hisoka dodged a slicing ray of light cleverly, with an amused smirk plastered. He looked rather graceful and flexible in his maneuvers when he evaded her distant shots. Dodging another cutting beam of hers, he horizontally jumped and spun. In mid-spin, he struck out one of his cards and made it past all her flurrying beams.

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