Chapter 22: The devastating truth.

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"Also sir... I've come to warn you about something. The janitor with the blonde hair, I feel there's something off about him... Rui and I both sensed evil in him, not only that but Rui also read his aura... It wasn't pretty..." Ruby explained with that mournful stoic look to her. Rui... You're not the only one with a secret... She mentally whispered before seeing Netero nod.

"Alright, I'll look into it," The chairman replied promptly, stood up, walked to the door, and passed her. He gestured for her to follow with his index finger, which she did.

"So... Black Shifter and Neon both, didn't have any luck in getting information out of Sikiyona?" She asked as she paced behind the chairman. Walking down a long hallway, she kept her gaze upon the old man.

"No she didn't even peep once, she's quite robotic if you ask me. If you ask her a question based on the rebellion or about her, all she'd say is That information is strictly classified, knowledge of the Rebellion or even I, shall not be given to those who are not apart of us. I need your wits to help me get information on where their base is located." He answered as he walked in front with his arms crossed behind his back.

"Alright," That's all she said in return, her sense of care was faintly dimming. Apparently her hawk had decided to come with her cause he was on her shoulder. The bird squawked out, making Netero smile and look over his shoulder only to watch her pet her hawk's head with a troubled gaze.

He looked ahead once more, then cut a corner. Right at that turn, he faced a wide-open door that was coated in thick ice. Ruby's eyes widened, she nudged the old man out of the way gently and the sight before her made her gasp a bit. "All this ice... Don't tell me..." Ruby looked over to the chairman with a very dangerous expression, piercing eyes and a frown. "You didn't take her weapons away, did you..?" She gravely asked through gritted teeth and irritation.

"What weapons? All she had was a blue and white cooler with a Popsicle.~" He laughed at the thought of those being weapons. Though his chuckles gradually died down once he saw how serious she was being.

"You didn't even consider them a threat?! Her weapons are exactly that cooler and that frosty dessert! Now she's off somewhere else, most likely trying to get out or has gotten out!" Exclaiming from rage, she was a bit infuriated with the old man's carelessness.

"It seems I'll have to sound the alarm, now won't I? Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho! I'll need you to go outside and look for her, just in case she's already made it out." He laughed out loud with his arms folded behind him. Sensing Ruby sprint off angrily, he got out a device and held it close to his mouth. "Sound the alarm, Sikiyona Fiijiyui has escaped! Do not let her leave and if she has, then Ruby Kowaza is already outside searching for her!" He announced then heard someone on the other end of the line and a few clicks in the background, resembling that they had sounded the alarm.

A red light flashed on and off with an ear aching sound. Ruby ran into a room, opened a window, and jumped out of it in a hurry, not wanting to waste time running through the halls and leaving out of the front door. I will find you... Sikiyona! Mentally raging, the image of her twin in her head reminded her of her lie and how Sikiyona attacked her.


"Nee-chan...." Rui sat on her bed with Poku in her arms and held it close like a stuffed animal. Poku knew not to move, it was worried about Rui and wanted to comfort her; that was until a knock on her door echoed through her room and caught her attention. She stood up, held Poku protectively, and made her way over. Opening the door, she came face to face with her lover and read the colors that represented concern. "Illumi-kun..." She rushed forward and nuzzled her face in his chest, feeling warmth wrap around her form and looked up, seeing how close his head was. Her face lit up brightly at noticing his black gaze being half-lidded and incredibly close to her pink bug ones.

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