Chapter 12

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"Wake up! they're coming to get you too, just like what they did to the others!" A young man exclaimed, his hair was colored black with high lights of blue at the sides. He wore strange clothes, but he looked determined to get her ; Luise out of there.

Luise looked confused while the boy dragged her to who knows where. "Where are you taking me?!" she exclaimed, escaping from his grasp.

The gun shots echoed and soon she saw the guy lying on floor, his body had jerked as if he was having seizures. Luise wasn't dumb, he was electrocuted by electric bullets that were newly created by the scientists. A bullet which causes the victim to be paralyzed by electricity. The tendrils of electricity flickered from his body, forcing Luise to move away.

A woman dressed in white, appeared, a gun in hand as she embraced Luise.

"Are you alright, Wick?" she asked, examining every inch on Luise's body. Luise looked at the woman in front of her, staring at her blue eyes which seemed to hide something.

"I'm alright mom." Luise smiled, as her mother placed her right hand unto her shoulder.

As she leaned forward, her eyes widened at what her mother had told her.

"Everything is about to change."

Luise jolted from her deep slumber, cold sweat had formed from her pale forehead. She knew what caused it; her memories.

It was terrifyingly strange for her to get fragments of them. The woman in white who called her wick gave out a nostalgic feel, although she could not pin point why.

"Morning, Goldie."

Luise saw Minho leaning on a post, as he ate a sandwich. Luise fixated her eyes on the sandwich, her stomach had grumbled indicating that she's already hungry. Luise wore her running shoes as she tied up her hair.

"Faster, Goldie. Can't afford to lose time." Minho reminded, his eyes giving her a stern look.

"Fine, you slint-head." Luise rolled her, eyes.

"First day of being an official runner, hooray." Luise enthusiastically said as she got up and readied herself.


The two had entered the maze, Luise sprinted to catch up to Minho's speed which seemed to increase as the seconds pass.

"Hey slow down!" she commanded, earning an insulting look from Minho.

"What? too slow to catch up?" He slurred, Luise tried to intentionally collide with him only to throw them both off ground.

"Oww..." Luise moaned as she looked at their current position, with Minho on top of her. Minho's gaze made Luise blush, but she professionally hid it.

"You're heavy." Luise complained, trying to push him off of her only to make the situation worse by accidentally pulling Minho's polo which made their faces inches apart.

Luise gulped, she could already feel Minho's warm breath. They looked at each other, nobody took the initiative to move aside.

The tension was suffocating, and as Luise closed her eyes for a second. She's surprised to feel that something soft was pressing down on her lips. She quickly opened her eyes to see Minho had stolen a kiss from her, it was brief but it made her heart burst.

"I'm sorry." Minho was already on his feet as he avoided eye contact. Luise still sat on the ground, still at a state of shock.

She asked herself repeatedly, 'Why would he kiss me?'

Her heart was still unstable as it went in an abnormal beat, her cheeks were flushed. And trying to run made her feel dizzy.

Minho was ahead of Luise, looking problematic. He secretly stole a glance from Luise who looked like a tomato. He mentally slapped himself, why did he do that? It was as if his body moved on its own accord. And bam, they kissed.

Although, would that indicate that he likes her?

"Hell no." He muttered.

He couldn't imagine himself being with Luise, the mere idea of it is preposterous. The girl defied everything that makes her a girl, she's boyish, likes to pick fights, and is a brute, judging by the fact that she managed to put a blow on Gally. Minho didn't like those types; types like Luise. But somehow he's attracted to her.

"Shuck this."


The two went back to the Glade before the sun went down, they didn't speak to each other while they ran the maze. Luise ignored the gladers who passed by her as she trailed after Minho, some of them even stopped to look at them both.

Luise followed Minho deep into the woods, where the records and findings they have from the maze are placed. Her first time being there, but that isn't the reason why she was tailing him.

As soon as the wooden door closed, Luise quickly bombarded Minho with questions pertaining to 'that' matter.

"Why did you kiss me?"

And Minho did the unimaginable.

To Be Continued...

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