Chapter 11

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The small room run by Clint was oddly quiet, the sun had shone it's bright rays. Minho sat up as he looked around. Nothing seemed different, everything was practically the same, or so he thought.

Minho suddenly thought about Luise, her injuries to her remarkable feats. The girl had killed a griever, something nobody has ever done. If the others knew, maybe they'd come to respect her, maybe even Gally.

Minho stood up, wincing at the pain he experienced. He may have exerted too much to make them ache like that, not that it has never happened before. He went inside the room beside his, thinking that Luise would be there. Sadly, the guy that was stung a few days back was lying there, pale skin that looked creepy with his veins visible, chest heaving up and down as cold sweat trickled down his forehead.

Minho went unto the other room to see Luise sitting on her bed with bandages wrapped around her arms and legs. Her hair looked greasy, as splotches of dirt and grime were apparent on her face. For some reason, Minho did not have the urge to even insult the girl.

Luise noticed Minho's presence as she combed her messy blonde hair. Minho did his usual position, arms crossed as he looked down at Luise with a scowl.

"You look pretty beaten up, Goldie."

Luise rolled her eyes.

Luise tied her hair, flinching in the process. She stood up wobbling with the few steps she took. Her blue eyes met with his raven colored eyes, a glint he'd never seen before.

Minho looked away, oddly feeling a tad intimidated. It was as if Luise had become fierce, maybe stronger? Minho thought.

"Where are you going?" Minho asked, trailing behind Luise.

"Well I'm about to take a shower, I feel that even the flies are afraid to smell me."

Minho chuckled in amusement, Luise was definitely different; she was amusing and entertaining to watch.

"I won't insult you today." Minho remarked.

"That's creepy slint-head." Luise walked out, with a small limp as she held her other arm for support.


Luise wasn't fond of the showers, probably because she was surrounded by a bunch of hormonal teenagers. Given the fact that she's the only girl doesn't make it seem any better.

Luise locked the doors, even the windows just for pre-caution.

As soon as she was done, Luise had token all of her clothes off and stepped into the shower.

The cold water drizzled on her skin, the tiny droplets giving her satisfaction. "I wouldn't mind showering twice a day if the water was like this everyday."

After a few minutes, Luise thought it was enough so she had began to drape herself with a towel. Avoiding the fresh looking wounds on both of her arms, she began to dress up. Wearing a light yellow tunic and brown pants matched with her running shoes err..., boots.

Luise went out to see Gally leaning on the other side. Luise let out a low shriek at the surprise.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned, as she eyed Gally with suspisciousness.

"You even have the audacity to say that to me? Listen here shuck. I was guarding the bathroom for any perverted glader trying to peek on you." He brought his hands down to his sides. "Guess people judge before they even know it."

Luise was utterly dumbfounded.

Was that an act of kindness?

Newt had passed by her, whispering unto her ear.

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