truth or dare

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"GEORGE HURRY UP!" Dream yelled, exasperated. George had been changing for over 20 minutes now, they had a party to go to, and Dream HATED being late.

"One SECOND dream you're so impatient! I can't find the perfect pair of shoes to go with my sweaterrr." he whined. Dream rolled his eyes. His best friend was very particular when it came to his outfits.

"Andddd ready!" George exclaimed excitedly. He did a little twirl to show off his selection: A navy blue crewneck with a collar underneath, paired with black dickies pants and air force 1's. Dream stood frozen in the doorway as he took in how pretty his best friend was. Forgetting himself for a second, Dream snapped back into reality when he heard George ask "Is it not good? I knew I should've picked different shoes-"

"It looks amazing, George." Dream cut him off, a blush furiously spreading across his face. Lucky for him, George was very clueless to these types of things.

"Oh good! Thanks Dream!" George said dismissively as he grabbed his keys and headed for the door. "Let's get going. This is gonna be fun!" Dream let out a sigh of relief. What was that!? Why did I get all weird just then?

They pulled into Sapnap's driveway right when "Can I Call you Tonight?" by Day Glow finished playing. They both got out of the car and walked up to the door, but before they could ring the doorbell the door burst open and sapnap yelled-


"Yeah well you can blame george for that, he took like 5 hours just to choose his socks." Dream teased sarcastically.

"Dream, shut up!" George huffed in embarrassment.

"Oh, come on now george. You know you like it when I tease you." George's eyes widened and he felt his face get hot. Why do I always get so... flustered when Dream talks like that!?

Sapnap looked quizzically at george, then back at dream, who hadn't seemed to notice his smaller friend's strange reaction.

When they entered the party they immediately recognized a few of their friends. Wilbur and Niki were playing guitars over in the corner. Bad was admiring Skeppy as he took his turn in cup pong against Karl and Quackity. Schlatt was already shitfaced, lying on the floor despite the fact that it was only 9pm.

"Welcome to my crib!" Sapnap exclaimed with a proud grin. "If you guys need anything, just ask!"

Dream and George both nodded and made their way to the main room.

"Hey guys!" Bad smiled at them from across the room. "When did you get here?" Skeppy asked.

"Just now!" Dream said. "Can we join?" He asked while motioning to the cup pong table.

"For sure, we're almost done with this round!" Karl said excitedly. "We're gonna winnnn" he teased.

"WE'RE POPPING OFF" Quackity yelled in his fake british accent, which made George roll his eyes playfully. His friends were a handful, but he loved them.

The rest of the night was going really well. Everyone seemed to be having a great time, especially Schlatt, who was now cross faded in the kitchen trying to kiss a spatula. The energy in the room seemed to be fading, so in an effort to keep the party alive Sapnap suggested a game of truth or dare. Everyone seemed to be on board, but Dream could tell George got a little tense at the mention of the game. He put his hand on the smaller boy's back to reassure him.

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