haunted by dreams

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( SONG!! i love you- billie eilish )

George felt the familiar feeling of Dreams arms around him as their lips met in a kiss. He was falling in love, he even admitted it to himself. He pulled away from the embrace, and they both laid down on the grass admiring the stars. The two sat quietly for a while until George decided to break the silence.

"Dream, what are we?"

Dream stepped back, looking at him with an amused and judgmental face.

"What do you mean what are we?"

George started getting nervous. This was all too familiar.

"Well I just thought because of the kiss and-"

"And what?" Dream laughed at him. "I don't like you like that George, it was just for fun. You didn't seriously think I liked you, did you? That I was gay?"

George's heart shattered. He felt like he had just been punched in the gut. Dream's harsh words rang in his ear, their stinging effect lingering. How could he be so stupid? Dream was gone. All gone. There was no chance. He'd lost yet another best friend.

George woke up in a cold sweat, his nightmare still fresh in his mind.

He abruptly got out of bed and ran to the bathroom, locking the door. He slid to the floor and felt tears starting to form in his eyes.

He was trying. He was trying SO hard to believe that Dream could love him. He wanted to believe it so bad, but last time he fell in love with his best friend he lost everything.

This time he couldn't hold back his sobs as they came on full force. He couldn't stop. He couldn't breath. His vision began to blur, causing him to lose sight of his hands.

Suddenly he heard footsteps approach.


"George? Are you ok? What happened?"

No response.

"George please, open the door I can't bear to hear you like this." Dream rested his head against the door.

George slowly came back to reality and gave in, slightly cracking the door enabling him to enter. Dream's heart broke at the sight of his best friend curled up on the ground crying, his eyes glossy and bloodshot. He slid down to be near him.

"What's wrong? Please talk to me."

George's voice cracked as he tried to catch his breath


"George, please. I'm so, SO sorry if I made you uncomfortable today I-"

George cut him off.

"N-no. You didn't I just.....I just am... worried." he trailed off.

"What happened? " Dream asked in a concerned tone.

George took a deep breath. "I had a nightmare."


"A-bout you." George looked away. "I'm so stupid Dream. I've ruined everything I'm so sorry."

"George I don't understand, what do you mean?" Dream said patiently.

"I'm so stupid to think you could ever love me like that! I've ruined everything by feeling this way. I know you were just joking around today, and at the party, and I caught feelings anyways. I ruined it all."

Dream cupped George's face and looked into his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"George Henry Davidson. Who said I was joking."

George's eyes widened.

"God I love you so much George it's not even funny. I love everything about you. I love being around you. I love you Georgie. I'm so in love with you."

He was speechless. He stared at his best friend in awe. Is this real? He pinched himself.

"You're so fucking cute, you know that? Every time I see you I just want to hug you and never let go." He couldn't bring himself to say his last thought. I want you to be mine and no one else's,  forever.

George stared into his eyes and felt the familiar feeling of hot tears welling up. He buried his head into Dream's chest. "I just didn't want to lose you." he said in between sobs.

"Shhhh it's ok, it's ok. I'm here, okay? You're not going to lose me. I'm not going anywhere." Dream ran his fingers through George's hair, calming him down.



George's sniffling slowed to a stop as Dream helped him to bed. He felt as if a huge weight had just been lifted off his shoulders. Everything was going to be ok.

Author's note-
sorry these last few chapters were a little more sad than the others but hey at least it ended on a good note! also stay tuned bc the next chapter (THE FINALE) is gonna be pretty cute!

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