fresh starts and nighttime stars

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George slowly woke up and checked the time on his phone.

Damn it's almost 5, we nearly slept through the whole day.

He laid there peacefully until he shuddered at the remembrance of his nightmare. He started to get nervous and shaky until he remembered Dream's words last night.

"I love you, Georgie. I'm so in love with you."

Dream's timing couldn't be more perfect as he rolled over and gave George a crushing hug.

"Good morning Georgeeee." He said, his voice raspy from just waking up. His tone got more serious in his next sentence.

"Are you ok? How are you doing after last night?" He looked into George's eyes with concern, interlocking their fingers.

The touch spread warmth all throughout George, calming his nerves. He took a deep breath.

It's going to be ok.

"I'm ok now, Dream. Thank you." He squeezed the blondes hands. There was more he wanted to say.

"Dream? I-" George hesitated, not feeling confident enough to say the next words.

Dream knew what he meant. He didn't have to say it, he just knew. Hopefully one day George could say it out loud.

"I love you too, George." He squeezed his hand causing him to look down and smile shyly.

Dream took the boy by surprise, swooping him up and placing him on his back. He ran out of the room laughing, carrying George by piggyback.

"Dream put me down!"

Dream just wheezed in response as he continued to run around the apartment. When they reached the couch he abruptly dropped George from his back.

"What was that all about?! I could've fallen!" failing in his attempt to pretend to be angry, George burst with laughter.

"So dramatic, Georgie." Dream teased, gazing down at his friend lovingly. George had a newfound appreciation for those gazes now that he was reassured they were genuine.

Dream plopped down on the couch, practically smothering George.

"Get off idiot." George's voice was muffled from under  the blonde's hoodie.

Dream was still laughing. He was just happy that things were ok with George.

"Get dressed. I have an idea." he stated bluntly.

"Where are we going?" George inquired.

Dream shook his head. "It's a secret."

"Just tell me!"

"Then it wouldn't be a secret, dummy."

"Fine." George huffed as he headed to their room to pick an outfit. He spotted one of Dream's hoodies on a chair. He smiled to himself as he slipped it on over his favorite black jeans. Normally George didn't like surprises, but he trusted Dream.

"You ready to go?" Dream asked from the other side of the door.

George walked out and Dream grinned like an idiot when he recognized his sweater.

"You really like that hoodie don't you?" he teased.

"Oh shut up." You could hear the smile in George's voice.

Dream led him out to the car and opened the door, dramatically motioning for him to enter.

"Wow what a gentleman." George's tone was dripping with sarcasm. Dream just giggled.

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