jealousy and buttured popcorn

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The group arrived at the theater, all excited to see this new movie. When they waited in line to get popcorn and drinks, George noticed two girls staring at Dream. One of them was making encouraging looks to her friend, who was ogling at him like he was some kind of food. Of course they would look at him like that. He was tall and tan, with soft fluffy blonde hair, and green eyes you could get los- stop it. George immediately felt annoyed, almost angry, but he caught himself. Wtf was that!? Jealousy!? Dream doesn't even like you, so what's the problem!? Still, George couldn't help but feel bothered.

Dream, on the other hand, didn't even notice his admirers, because he was too busy staring George from afar.

They walked into the theater, Sapnap making a point to sit on the end, forcing Dream and George next to each other. The movie started, and a hush fell over the theater.

About halfway through the movie, Dream looked over to George to ask him something, but forgot what he was thinking about when he glanced at his face, glowing from the screen. He just stared, lost in thought, for about 30 seconds until he saw George's changed expression. 

George was having a great time, and even though marvel wasn't his thing, he could admit that this movie was pretty good. But suddenly, a scene came on where the main character (who looked a little like Dream)  was talking to his love interest. They seemed so perfect together as she wrapped her arms around his back, going in for a hug. George thought back to the girl in line and felt a twinge of pain as he imagined Dream happy with a girl. What could he possibly offer that they couldn't!? He couldn't even compare. Dream deserved a girl to make him happy, George would just get in the way.

Dream glanced over at his troubled friend. He didn't know what was bugging George, all he knew was that he wanted to make it go away.

He slowly inched his hand closer to George's, and rubbed his pinky against his friend's to try and comfort him.

George melted at the touch. He looked over, locking eyes with Dream. He could stay in his eyes forever, and that's how long it seemed before Sapnap whispered "Guys I have to pee!"

The two best friends quickly looked away and shifted awkwardly, trying to shake off that intense moment. The rest of the movie went fine, and Dream's small gesture seemed to calm George's thoughts temporarily. Dream could always find a way to make him feel ok.

"I don't know about you guys, but i'm STARVING." Sapnap exclaimed as they were walking out.

"Yeah, I could definitely eat." Dream responded, and George nodded. They decided on the local In-n-out.

Dream and Sapnap left George to grab the drinks while they got the food. When they walked away, a girl started to approach George confidently. She cornered him and proceeded to hit on him, not even attempting to be subtle. George was absolutely terrified. He didn't even know what to say or do, so he just started to back away. He didn't swing that way.

"Uhhh dude?" Sapnap elbowed Dream and pointed over to George's direction. It was obvious he was very uncomfortable. "I'll let Dream handle this."Sapnap thought. He couldn't help but laugh at the absolute death glare Dream was shooting the girl from across the store. There was no denying it, he was jealous, and not just a little.

George sighed with relief as he saw Dream walk over to him, but he wasn't expecting what came next. Dream slid in between them and smoothly wrapped his arm around George's waist from behind, glaring daggers at the girl, before he looked George in the eye and said "Hey Georgie, everything ok over here? Is she bothering you?". He kept a firm protective hand on his body.

The girl immediately threw a hand over her mouth. "I-I'm so sorry- I'm- I'm just gonna go..." She looked sheepishly over at Sapnap, who was laughing his ass off with no shame over by the order station.

Dream turned his focus back on George, who looked like someone had just hit him on the head with a rock. He locked eyes with him, placing his hands in his shoulders. "Are you alright?" He asked with a serious tone.

"I-I'm- yeah... thank you Dream." was all George could mumble out. He was trying to process what had just happened. His grip on me... "Hey Georgie"..... He looked so protective.... Dream grabbed his wrist and dragged him over to Sapnap, who was still cracking up.

"That was PRICELESS! "hEY gEoRgiE"" Sapnap was just beside himself.

"I had to make sure she left him alone for good, that's all." Dream said matter-o-factly. The look he was giving George said otherwise.

Dream kept his eyes on George the rest of the night, even as they drove home.

"You know you can stop watching me now, Dream. I'm fine" George giggled.

"Im not watching you, simp." Dream smirked

"Oh sureee, IM the simp." George teased back. Sapnap gagged from the backseat.

Dream just rolled his eyes playfully, but he kept his eyes on George, just more subtly.


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