morning, sleepy head

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Dream contemplated his current situation. If he gave in he'd have to share a bed with George and for some reason he felt reluctant to do so. But, if he mentioned to Sapnap he wanted to sleep somewhere else because there was only one bed, he'd suspect something weird was going on. So Dream decided to go with the first option.

He picked up George, who was barely conscious, and started carrying him to the spare bedroom. When they got to the room, George sleepily bumped into the nightstand where a bottle of beer sat and spilled it all over his sweater.

"Dreammmm" he groaned. "What just happened i'm all messy." Before Dream could respond George
had already taken off his hoodie and crawled into the bed. It was clear that George's collared undershirt was not keeping him warm enough, as he was shivering almost violently. Dream couldn't bare to see him uncomfortable, so there was only one thing he could think of.

"George-" he started timidly. " seem cold. Do you want to wear my hoodie?" George, too tired to be bothered to speak, just nodded his head happily. Dream slipped his green hoodie over George and tried to stifle his laugh.

"What's so funny Dream?" George asked mid-yawn.

"Oh, nothing it's just- it's so oversized on you you're practically drowning!" he let out a small wheeze.

George, who was obviously not his full self at the moment, responded "Your clothes smell good Dream." Normally George would've slapped himself for saying something so stupid but he was too tired to even realize what was coming out of his mouth. The sweet comment made Dream grin like an idiot.

"I think you should go to sleep George."


"Goodnight George."

"Night, Dream."

Just when Dream thought he couldn't handle anymore of this moment, he felt George scoot closer and closer until his head was practically resting on Dream's chest. Dream's stomach exploded with butterflies as he told himself to just keep calm. He wasn't used to all this physical affection from George.
He's really touchy when he's tired.

Although Dream knew that George was only acting this way toward him because he happened to be the person there, the moment still felt special to him. He couldn't quite understand why he suddenly felt to nervous around his best friend. Maybe he did understand but just didn't want to face it. It was better to just ignore it. And besides, George would never feel the same way.

When he was sure George was asleep, Dream lifted his arm and wrapped it around George's small frame, sheltering him from the cold. Dream laid there for a while until he too drifted off to sleep.


Dream was the first to wake up the next morning. He was disoriented at first, but was quickly reminded of his current situation when he opened his eyes to see George's face just inches away from his own. Dream's heart practically erupted at the sight of his best friend so close. He closed his eyes and laid there a while longer, hoping to stay in this moment forever.

George slowly woke up, feeling just as disoriented if not more. Before he was truly aware of his surroundings he grasped onto the blanket his head was resting on and nuzzled his face into it. Except it wasn't a blanket it. It was Dream. His head was resting on Dream's chest, and he has just nuzzled it.
George's eyes widened with embarrassment as he came to the reality of where he was. Why were Dream and him in this room. Why were they sleeping in the same bed. Why had he just been CUDDLING him and, why did it feel so natural?

Dream looked down from his phone to see that his friend had finally awoken. "Morning, sleepy head." he playfully teased. "Was the 15 hours of sleep good enough?"

"Dream I- where are we? What happened?" George inquired.

"When the party ended last night you were wiped out. There was no way you'd be able to drive us home so Sapnap offered to have us stay in his guest room. ".

"Oh, ok" George muttered. He looked back up at Dream and couldn't help but notice how cute his hair looked , and how prominent his freckles were in the morning light. He looked so pretty.

Dream's thoughts were almost identical. George is so beautiful, even when he's just woken up. He smiled to himself while George started to stretch.

"Good morning love birds!" Sapnap teased as he walked into the spare room.

"Oh shut up Sapnap." George huffed.

"Hey no judgement here! I love cuddling the homies." Sapnap responded. Both George and Dream cringed at Sapnap's corny statement, and they all headed out to the kitchen.

"Sapnap no way, you made pancakes!?" Dream yelled excitedly. 

"Well I had to do SOMETHING. It was getting so boring waiting for you two to stop making out in there." Sapnap started hugging himself and making kissy noises. Dream and George began yelling in protest but he couldn't hear them over his own laughter.

"Sapnap these pancakes taste like dog water." George stated bluntly, which made Dream let out one of his tea kettles wheezes. Sapnap pretended to be but hurt but he knew it was all in good fun.

Sapnap seemed to have forgotten all about teasing his two friends until he noticed what George was wearing. An evil grin slowly formed on his face as he stared at George. George looked down at his sweater to see what Sapnap was smiling about when he noticed it was Dream's. His face began to burn with embarrassment, and his mind was too dumbfounded to say anything. Dream immediately tried to explain the situation, talking at about 500 miles per hour. 


"Whatever you say Dream." Sapnap cut him off, clearly not buying it. Dream looked away embarrassed while George sat, very aware of how oversized the sweater was on him,

After chilling around for a little longer, Dream and George decided to go back to their apartment.

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