unexpected roomate

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It was Saturday morning around a week after the party, and Dream and George were in the middle of a bed wars match when Dream got a call from Sapnap.

"Hey man." He said, sounding deflated.

"Sapnap, what's up? Is everything ok?" Dream continued cautiously.

"Not really. I just found out this morning that I'm getting evicted." Dream and George's faces fell.

With obvious concern in his voice, George responded "Sapnap, I'm so sorry that's awful! What are you going to do?"

"That's actually why I called.... I totally understand if you guys don't want to but, would it be alright if I stayed with you for for a bit until I figure something out?"

"Of course!" Dream and George shouted in unison. "We'd love to have you here, man! It's gonna be like a party everyday lets goooo!" Dream added on.

Sapnap let out a sigh of relief. "You guys are the best."


A few days later, Sapnap arrived in his car packed with all his stuff. He knocked on the door, and his two friends greeted him with excitement.

"You're here!" George beamed, clearly overjoyed at the arrival of his friend. Dream glanced down at the glowing brunette and couldn't help but admire how pretty he was. Luckily for Dream though, Sapnap was too distracted to notice him staring at George this time.

After getting settled they all decided to order in pizza and watch a horror movie, much to George's disliking. At one point, George got so scared that he jumped and buried his head into Dream's chest, clinging onto his hoodie. Sapnap glanced over to see Dream's eyes widen. I fucking knew it.

After the movie they were all pretty tired and decided it was time for bed. That's when Dream remembered that the apartment had just two rooms. His, and George's. (YES I DID ADD THIS TROPE AGAIN WHAT ABOUT IT)

Sapnap saw this opportunity open again and decided to take advantage of it. "George, is it alright if I take your bed tonight?" He asked, faking his innocence.

"Yeah, of course! I can just crash on the couch." George responded.

Sapnap sighed to himself. That hadn't gone the way he had hoped. He'd just have to find another way to get them in the same bed.

George brought out his favorite blankets and pillows out to the couch, ready for sleep. He spent hours tossing and turning. It was so cold in the living room, and the couch was SO uncomfortable.


Dream woke up in the middle of the night craving chips for some reason. He headed out to the kitchen and was about to reach for the pantry when he saw George sitting, awake on his phone.

"Hey," Dream whisper was laced with concern. "What are you still doing up? It's late."

"I could ask you the same thing." George teased back. Dream was suddenly aware that the boy was shivering and sitting in a seemingly uncomfortable position.

"George, do you want to come sleep in my bed?" Dream realized what he had said as it came out of his mouth. He froze. George, who was just desperate to get off the couch, simply said "sure.".

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