It'll be our little secret

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Sokka and Toph went back to party, then they saw katara "where are you guys coming form?" She asked "oh we just went for a stroll" Toph replied"okay then"katara said while walking away then Toph's mom called her to greet some of her guests "bye snoozles" she said winking at him, then Sokka went to look for Zuko then he saw him making out with Mai,"oogies!" He said covering his eyes"like you haven't done worse" Mai said rolling her eyes"yeah whatever,I need to borrow Zuko for a sec" Sokka said grabbing Zuko by his arm taking him to the kitchen "so what's this about?" Zuko asked " so I told Toph I liked her" Sokka replied" so what did she say?" Zuko asked curious"well she said she likes me too but she doesn't want us to date because she doesn't want things to be weird between her and Suki then we kissed and I was kinda going too far then she stopped me" Sokka said grabbing an apple then biting into it "okay that's great but I did not need to hear that last part" Zuko said then they laughed"so what are you going to do?" Zuko asked "i guess I'll just wait until she's ready too you know" Sokka said pushing hips back and forth "ew man I meant about not dating because of Suki, I do not need to know about your sex life! " Zuko said "oh yeah that, well I'm just gonna give her time " Sokka responded looking away " okay,we should get back to the party" then they went to join the rest of the group Ty Lee and Azula had already left then Toph came to join them"hey guys since it's already late I asked my mom if you could sleep here for the night and she said yes" Toph said"but Toph we didn't bring our stuff" katara said"that's fine I'll give you, Suki and Mai  some of my PJs and the boys can just sleep in their underwear" Toph said trying to convince them" hey,I find that very offensive" Sokka said lifting one of his finger up " oh come on like you don't sleep in your underwear" Toph said crossing their arm then they all laughed "and you don't have to worry about toothbrushes my mom keeps a packet of them since I'm always loosing mine, I wonder where they always go"Toph said rubbing her chin then katara giggled then said"okay Toph we'll stay ,I just have to call my dad to let him know" the she went outside to make the call "yeah me too" Zuko said removing his phone form his pocket  then he left .

*After the party*
Everyone was in the theater room watching a movie Katara sat next Aang , Zuko say next to Mai and Toph, Sokka and Suki sat in the same row laughing and making fun of the characters. Then the movie ended"okay so katara and Aang your room is the second to the last one by your right, then Zuko and Mai your room is opposite to katara and Aang's room and Sokka rooms is  at the end of the hallway then Suki your room is next to mine" Toph said"actually would if be okay if me and Sokka switched rooms" Suki asked"okay no problem" Toph said then everyone said goodnight and went into their room.

Toph lay down on her bed but couldn't sleep so she went to the only person that she knew would still be awake, Sokka she entered Sokka rooms then she saw him on his phone watching YouTube videos. "I knew you'd still be awake" she said then she sat down on the bed "hey, why aren't you asleep?" He asked"meh I couldn't sleep what about you?" She said then punched him in the arm "ouch that hurt, and if you must know I'm just doing soommeeeeeee..... Research yeah I'm doing research" Sokka said"yeah research" Toph said using her hands to make air qoutes then they laughed"shhhh you'll wake everyone up" Toph said placing her finger on Sokka's lips.

(The next part is kinda Nasty so if you know you can't handle it just Skip it😂)

Then he stared into her eyes they were so bright in the dark  then placed his hands on her face then he kissed, her they kissed for about 2 minutes then he placed Toph on his laps then Toph crossed her arms over his neck, he placed his hands on her boobs and start massaging them softly then Toph took off his shirt and Sokka took of hers they continue kissing then Sokka remove her shorts and her underwear he looked up too Toph who was looking at the celling then he placed her legs over his shoulders and buried his face in her pussy Toph grabbed the sheets then bit her lips Sokka widened her leg then sucked her clit  Toph started moaning and it went on for about 15 minutes then Sokka stopped then he came up to her then gave her a kiss Toph pulled down his underwear down and started giving him a hand job"fuck!" Sokka moan and closed his Eyes Toph then went down to Sokka then started sucking his dick , Sokka moaned when she started licking the tips then she put his whole dick in her mouth,"fuck yeah!" Sokka said then bit his lips Toph sucked his dick for about 20 minutes then she stopped when Sokka realized into her mouth then they both lay down on the bed breathing heavily"you mouth works wonders "Sokka said Toph smiled then said"Goodnight snoozles" she said placing her head on his chest then Sokka wrapped his arms around her then they fell asleep.
(Thanks for reading, please vote and leave comments if you enjoyed this story🤗❤️)

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