Arc 1:7 Highschool Romance

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Third Person View:

Days have passed,and the pageant is nearing.

The Favorability stops at 61,whatever she do the favorability won't rise anymorem

[Host maybe its time to show your feelings for him]

'sigh,I hate to admit it but you're right'
She need to start the confess operation after the school foundation.

She and the second male lead became closer like a friend,as they shared common interests in foods.

"Hey lets go!"said by the second male lead who was infront of the door waiting for Tiara

She snapped into reality and realize that Wayne was calling her.

Because they both plan to go to the opening of Xylvia's Cafe,as there was limited edition food,some free pastries and also 25% discounts.

Tiara quickly gathered her things then run happily towards the second male lead,completely forgetting the male lead who was staring at them with a frown on his lips.

He was somewhat annoyed,he dont know why but he dont like this kind of feeling,he dont like the feeling of being ignored.

He look one last time at the back of two people, pondered a bit before going out too.

(Tiara's pov)
I happily waiting for the spokesperson to finish her speech and to cut the ribbon.

I look around to temporarily ease my boredom.

I was shocked when I saw Darzen at the corner looking at us...or rather glaring at us.

I look away from him,what did I do?!
and why is he even here!

[Host maybe he is jelly~]

Oh,that makes sense,I wake up in my daze when the air was getting suffocating.

Oh God,the crowd is getting bigger.

"Ouch!"that was freaking hurt!someone is pushing me from behind ,I look back to see lots and lots of people coming.I look at my front again

Wtf,where is Wayne?I cannot see him anymore,I tried looking but it was useless as the crowd are getting bigger.

I never thought that there are also many people looking forward for the opening of this shop.

I tried to squeeze myself from the crowds.

My eyes widen when suddently I felt my wrist was being grab by someone,and led me outside,on the alley.I tried resisting but his grip was really tight.

When I look was Darzen,he put his hands on the wall,trapping me in between.

Then I realize this position....

Oh em gee,am I experiencing being 'kabedon'!?

"What is going on between the two of you?"

What?I twitched

Is he referring to Wayne?that blockhead?,pft It almost made me laugh.

"Nothing!,we were just food buddies"as I struggled not to laugh

"Hah, you're making me crazy"he muttered

What?I didnt hear what he said except for the word 'crazy'

But he is indeed crazy,talking to himself.

He hesitated before looking at my eyes again.

" you me?"he softly whispered

I grew silent

[Host! now's your time to shine!]

"baby look at me"

I look at him with my wide!? wtf!!

I pretend to be flushed,and I look down at my toes to avoid making contact at him.

"Zen,I-I still like you...I just grow up and matured"I said slowly with soft voice

[Ding! The favorability has rises into 85,the favorability has rises into 25]
As I thought.

I look up and grin at him,his facial expression soften,he reach for my cheeks and cares it.

"Im glad"
he closes our distance,as our forehead touch
he look into my eyes and and I look back too.I can see his bright eyes full of intensity.

As our lips about to touch I saw people passing by with boxes on their hands,on the box there's an X logo there, meaning it was the Xylvia's cafe.

My eyes widen. No!

I quickly push the Male lead away.


I glared at the air
'dont even try to stop me' I threaten


I continued to run towards the shop.

'No,No...My cakeees!!!'

There is still several people,I tried looking inside to see if there are still cakes.

I try to squeeze myself,c'mon!

My eyes sparkled,finally!
"miss what is your order?"

"1 whole cake of choco oreo rainbow cake and 3 slices of Red Velvet Overload and a box of Pudding mousse cake!"


I left the cafe with 3 boxes on my hands and a wide smile plastered on my face.


While Tiara is happily walking at the thought of her cakes,the male lead who was forgotten was stunned,he dont know whether to cry or laugh at the quick changes of Tiara's expression.

He just sigh and started to walk away.

Remembering the flustered look of Tiara ,he smiled.

'she still like me'


Three chapters to gooo
( ꈍᴗꈍ)

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