Arc 2:2 Queen of Film Industry

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She will be now called 'Aria'


After I arrived

I take a very deep breath and adjusted my emotions.I tried to look more positive so they can feel the bright vibes around me,I hope It will make them less angry.

I quickly went on the crew,before they started to talk,I bow my head 360 degrees.

"I'm very sorry for being late!"

I take a peek at their reactions,I was relieved that they were not mad nor pissed.

"Its okay the shooting hasn't begun yet,get ready now"The director command

"yes,thank you very much!"I smiled very widely and then bow again before I went to the make up and costume room

Before I leave I heard their positive praise about me accepting my mistakes hehe.

I change my clothes and sit on the chair.I look at the mirror while they were putting make up on me.

I begun to think about my role too,before I went here,I take a peek at my script and analyze the character I was gonna play,she was seductive but its not vulgar actually it made her  elegant.

After finishing my make up,with the help of my acting skill,I begun to act my role.

In the mirror,the childishness was gone,it was replaced by a seductive beauty.

I made a satisfied smile before I went out.

Third Person View:

While Aria was preparing for the shooting the director together with the other crew were discussing about this newcomer.

They were a bit skeptical about her acting,she's very beautiful but her aura was bright,and Victoria,the character she's gonna portray was a seductive spy,they continued to evaluate her.

After awhile they were forced to shut up when Aria came out.They have the same thought in their minds.

'Is this the girl from awhile ago!?'

'the changes were huge!'

The cheerful ang bright appearance were gone and more importantly her aura changed!

From the time she walk out of the room,they felt like she begun acting,from the way she walk and the way she smiled,it was bewitching she was just like a seductress.

"Perfect!"The author,who were also the scriptwriter exclaimed

She had taken a great importance to this  character,Victoria but its very hard to find an actress who were both gorgeous and poised.

When she saw this scene while Aria was walking,she knew she perfectly fit this character.

Earlier she was forced to cut off some scenes of Victoria in the movie because the actress who gonna portrays Victoria didn't met her expectations so she think that it's gonna ruin the whole story.

But now,she wanna redo it again!her eyes can't stop sparkling.There were various scenes she wants to add too, after thinking of someone she started to laugh like a madman.


And from that moment,Aria successfully changed the plot.In the original novel ,the movie proceeds with the seductive spy was killed early so her scenes were little.

But now the author plans to make the seductive spy as a third female lead,the enemy spy of the protagonist who fell in love later on.Later after the shooting she will discussed it with the director so she can take her time observing Aria.

They went on the place where the shooting will take place,and the actors and actresses were there.

Aria greet them with respect as they are her seniors,and the others politely greeted back so there's no displeasures among them.

But there is still one person missing...

They stop talking when the missing person entered,He walk leisury,but still held elegance and confidence.

The other staffs were stunned,although they always see him on posters or in tv,thay can't help but to be shock when they see the real person.

'Why does it looks like he were more handsome in person?'

'the pictures didnt give justice to his handsomeness!'

He was no other than the Film emperor,the male lead.

The others felt warm when he doesn't put airs as he smiled a little then greet everyone,he started to walk at the director to greet him  his eyes wonders a little until it stop on a specific person besides the director.

He felt an indescribable feeling when he looks at her,and when their eyes met his heart shookt.

Well there's this saying that'there is a person you don't know yet a heart and soul could recognized'

Aria smiled faintly 'finally'


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