Arc 2:1 Queen of Film Industry

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[Host you accumulated a total of 230,000 pts plus you completed all the task,so overall a total of 460,000 pts ]

'So what happens after I died?'



[The male lead committed suicide a year after your death]


I was so startled!

[Host,I'll advice you.Dont take it to heart,I'll remind you that this is only a world of novel]


Because they felt so real that I forgot that this was only in a book.


After a few hours I calm down.

[So host here are some free skills,you can choose two:





Arts of Seduction

3 Arts of ancient women(Calligraphy, Poetry and playing Zither)





'I choose acting and singing'

Acting since this is an entertainment circle and singing because it was essential.And I already know how to cook and dance so there's no need to choose it.

[So host~]

My eyebrows rose,why do I have a bad feeling.


[Can you upgrade Xian now?you can loan the remaining 40,000 pts!]

Tch,I knew it.

'convince me first why should I upgrade you?'

[Host,I can monitor several people,I can now record a video,I can search the identities of other people,and you can finally open the shop host!there's so many items in the shop!, plus the costs were very cheap there are also expensive items but all are very useful 。◕‿◕。]

why do I feel he's scamming?


[Ding! Will Upgrade to level 2 (500,000 pts)
remaining: -40,000
Upgrade time: 1d]

I look at my remaining pitiful points that it has even negative on it.

[Yay!! Host ,after transferring you,I'll be gone for 1 day]

plus its not that I need you anyway.


'hurry,Im ready'

[okay,I'll transfer your soul to the body(。•́︿•̀。)]

[Transmiting...loading...10%....20%....50%....100% completed]


I opened my eyes to see that I was on an apartment.

[Host I'll tranfer the body's memories now]


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