Arc 1:2 Highschool Romance

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['System's thoughts']


I am now infront of a big mansion,phew this will be my temporary home from now on.

"Is that you Tiara dear?!"there was a beautiful woman standing infront of the door

I search at the body's memory to know who is this womanm

And this is actually...the male lead's mom!,I regained my composure

"Tita(aunt) !"I exclaimed,she wanted me to calls her like that because Tita means aunt,and she is half Filipino.

"Omg Tiara,you're so beautiful!"

'I know right?'I wanna say


'Oh you shut up there! ,No one is more shameless than you!'


"Tita you're more beautiful! Someone will even mistake that you are my sister if we're together!"I complimented back making her laugh

['what a smooth talker']

"come!my son is inside too,he's in the garden now"

We enter through the door,and I was amaze.

The interior design was beautiful and elegant,and the furnitures were all high quality with some antique displays such as vases and paintings.

She leads me to my room and then together we went at the garden,when we were in the doorway,I saw a glimpse of the garden then when we enter I finally see the whole surroundings.

The garden was beautiful,the flowers,the fresh air it was breathtaking plus the guy who was sitting there was breathtaking handsome too.

He looks so peaceful while reading something and maybe he felt our presence so he turn around and our eyes met.


Hallelujia,I feel my world stops and everything was blurred except for him.His dark eyes that penetrates my soul,his pointed nose and his sexy red lips that I wonder what it taste like and,his sharp jawline,his soft looking hair that I want to mess and rub,ah he was just perfect.Well that's a male lead for you

[Host,control yourself •́؈•̀ ]

I snap in my daze,and I causally smiled.

[Ding! The male lead's favorability has risen to -5,The favorability has increased by 25]

Woah so much?!

[Host,he expected that you will jump at him since he knows that Tiara was crazy with him]

Hmp,slowly I will change his perspective on me.

"Long time no see Zen"I said,not happy nor excited,just casual

Third Person View:

Darzen didnt think that Tiara will change so much,she was strangely attractive this timem

He felt something he couldn't explain when she started to talk,her voice was melodious,it was soft and not too sweet,and the way she said his nickname brings a tingling sensation in his spine.

While Tiara just stood there behavely and smiling a little,while in inside she's drooling at the male lead's handsomeness.

[Ding! The favorability is now 5,the favorability has increased by 10]

Tiara was surprised again.

'It rises again?why do I think it was easy?'

[Host don't be so confident,as it continue ro rises the diffuculty will increase]

'fine fine'

While the system was a bit surprised at their soul compatibility.

['QAQ,their compatibility was so high!I must report it! ]

The male lead just nodded his head for greeting ,and his mom started to tour Tiara around.

She will also get enrolled later because the school will starts tomorrow.

'Ah my mission will finally starts tomorrow'

(Back to her POV)

I checked my outfit once more, I wore a black jeans and white shirt with leather jacket,I also wore a white converse.

Today is my first day of school,the school year already begin.One month ago,I was assign in the same section with the male lead while the female lead was in another section so this is my chance hehe.

Because we live in the same house,me and Darzen(Male lead) will go at the same car everyday.

I acted casual and didnt bother him.When we arrived I placed some distance between us,so he wouldnt think that I want to stick with him.

He frown a little but continued to walk.I went first at the office and take my schedule,the teacher also lead me to my classroom

"So class this is your new classmate"then she motion me to come infront

I wore my best smile and started to introduce myself.

"hello everyone,I am Tiara Gray,17 years old and I just recently got here so please take care of me"then I bow

Students started to murmur,and I felt relieve that it was all positive.

"Do you have a boyfriend"some boys asked

I pretended to be flushed and quickly said that I don't have and suddenly I heard a ding sound at the system.

[Ding! The male lead's favorability has risen into 10,the favorability increased into 5]

I smiled even more,Heh.

Many more asked questions and I answered it all,quickly gaining some friends.

Plus I like it here,so far no one disliked me, infact even girls quite like me.

The teacher suddenly gave us a surprise quiz, and surprisingly it was very easy because I have sharp memory and I already learned it from my past life.

Some students even secretely asked me some of the questions,I chuckled and gave them some answer making them grateful.

The result will be announce tomorrow.

If it will continue to be like this,gaining popularity will not be a problem and Im quite smart too,so Im confident that I will be at the top rankings.

And by being smart you can gain fame plus Im beautiful,oh scratch that,Im gorgeous.


I raised my brow 'what you got a problem?'


I sneered and quickly added
'I know I'm beautiful from  head to toe ,unlike someone,who doesn't even have a body hehe'

[Host you're too much (ᗒᗣᗕ)]



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