Arc 2:3 Queen of Film Industry

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"Get ready we will shoot the scene #1"

The actor and actress who will not shoot yet incuding me,sat on the corner.

Scene #1 is just like the prologue of the movie,it will make us see the plot and summary,like an introduction.


The protagonist,Vane was lying on a bed,and his forehead crumpled as if he was having a nightmare,after a seconds he wake up,his eyes was like a bottomless pit .

He clenched his fist as he rose up from his bed,he look outside the window,he closed his eyes as if he was in a deep thinking after awhile he open his eyes,it was cold as ice.

He open his drawer and get the gun props on it,he hold and cares it as a dark glint passes on his eyes.

"Cut! very good next action"

His assistant put a black coat on him,and fix his hair a little.


He started to walk,his posture was domineering and elegant as he strode toward a female,this female was actress Ynna the main female lead of the movie.

He pushed her against the wall and said coldly
"you dared?"his voice was husky and it sounds so manly!

Several staffs quickly stopped their squeals.


Truly deserving to be a film emperor! He doesn't have any NG or retake.

Then,actress Ynna will shoot again,this time it was her solo,she gonna portrays Anastasia,the female lead of this movie.

She started acting,as she was crying in front of her dead parents as her bloody hands was trembling

"cut!"and she immedietly stop acting

"Your dead parents was infront of you!Imagine what will you feel! Hatred,grief and vengeance to those killers!"

"Sorry director!,I'll try again" she bows as she return to her position


This time her acting was flawless,as she cried it was full of sadness and at the sametime ,hatred to those people who murdered her parents.

"Very good!"the director conplimented, so Ynna sigh in relief

We moved in different place for the next scene,for the second female lead and for me,we are now inside of a club the crew rented.

They get ready and the second female lead,actress Alleah get into her position.

Actress Alleah the second female lead of the movie is a waitress on the club she was beautiful and smart,her simple life changed when she met the protagonist,at that time she got herself involve to a criminal that the protagonist needed to catch.

Then the protagonist saved her and she swear to repay him by helping,from then on she fell inlove to this cold man.

She begun acting and got 2 retakes before the director got satisfied.

When it was my turn,I got into my role as well and begun acting.

I sat on a stool while swirling my drink,and a small smile was hanging on my lips.

Then a music was played I got into the dance stage,almost all people stops and stared.

I slowly dance,while still maintaining my elegance,it was seductive yet not vulgar.

When my eyes meet my 'target' I smiled at him,and when the music stops I got off the stage and went on a vip room,I smirk when my target followed me.

When we were alone,I take a step forward,I put my arms around his neck and when his full attention was on me,I pulled my poisonous needle props and stab it at his neck,his eyes rolled and the poison spread fast causing him to die.

I put back my earpiece and said that my mission was done.

I walk away from the crime scene,while still humming a song.

"Cut! excellent!"the director exclaimed

I return to my cheerfull state

"Thank you!"and I smiled bright,with the help of the system's acting skills it was a piece of cake for me

For the next scenes,the Second leads actors will act. First was the second male lead,the son of the leader of an illegal organization, Victoria was also under this organization.

He fell inlove to the female lead because of her bravery and determination leading him to disobey his father.

He started to act and got 3 retakes before his acting became stabled. Next was the third male lead,the subordinate of the protagonist,he was an agent  for only a year and then fell inlove with the female lead, also died for saving her.

It became smoothly until the next scenes will finally start the story.

The next portrayers are children for the leads showing their childhood lives.

So we,adults actors and actresses were not needed,we just have to sit back ,watch and relax for the mean time.

After that ,we went on the dressing room to remove our costumes and make ups.

The director said that tomorrow we will have to travel on country side to shoot,he also reminded us few thing before he dismissed us.

I politely bid goodbye before I go,and caught a glimpse of Vane looking at me absentmindedly so I smiled at him politely and turn my back.

NOTE: I write this so you wont get confused at their roles

Male Lead: Vane (In the movie he was known as Leo- The agent protagonist of the movie 'Target locked)

MC: Aria(In the movie she was known as Victoria- The third female lead of the movie and a spy)

Actress Ynna (In the movie she was known as Anastasia- the female lead of the movie)

Female lead: Wendy

Second male lead: Miller

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