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Harry, Ron, Mione and I stayed up in the common room that night until the early hours of the morning, laughing and joking around. Ron had told Harry his idea of asking McGonagall to sign the permission form for Hogsmeade, and as I had expected, Harry had said he was going to ask her the first chance he got.

The letter that my Dad had sent Harry sat in my pocket the entire time. I just couldn't work out what Harry had possibly said to make my Dad let us. He wasn't even my boyfriend yet!

"Are you ever going to tell me what the letter said?" I asked Harry, leaning my head against his chest.

"It's for me to know, and for you to maybe find out," he replied, stroking my hair.

"Seriously, Harry," Ron said, straightening up. "If you ever hurt my sister, you'll have me to answer too."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "Your sister?"

"Yeah, sister," Ron said, nodding. "Millie is my sister."

"Right," Harry said slowly. Then he laughed, plainly thinking that Ron was joking about 'having him to answer to."

But Ron looked deadly serious.

"You are joking, right?" Harry said, wrapping his arms around me almost protectively.


Harry laughed again. "Mate, I could beat you in a fight any day of the week."

"Yeah?" Ron said.


Ron smiled. "Let's see, shall we?"

Harry gently pulled away from me, right before Ron jumped on top of him, tackling each other playfully.

I snorted as Ron accidentally kicked Mione's leg.

"Ouch, Ron!" Mione exclaimed angrily. "Can you stop acting like a complete child for one second! Harry, get off of him! RON..."

Mione looked at me desperately as the two boys fell on the floor, roaring with laughter. I cleared my throat. "Harry-"

"Yes, Mills?" He looked away from Ron instantly, his green eyes landing on me.

Ron snorted at his friend. "She's got you hooked around her finger already, mate."

"What?" Harry inquired, pushing himself off Ron. "No she does not. I am a free man! I've got her hooked around my finger-"

"Harry," I stated in a cold tone.

"Yes, love?" he bleated, his eyes widening at the sound of my demanding tone.

"Free man," Ron scoffed, getting up and falling into his chair. "That's not what it looks like..."

Harry sat back down beside me and pulled me into his lap, still muttering about being a 'free man'.

"Honestly, Ron," Mione said, smiling, "just because Harry has someone and you don't-"

"You're right, Hermione." Ron sighed playfully, clutching his heart. "Harry, I'm hurt. You always said we would be together forever - what is it? Am I not good enough for you?"

"Ah, my Ronald," Harry purred, blowing Ron a kiss. I stifled a laugh. "Our love is undying, don't you worry-"

"Ugh, get a room," I whined, wrapping my arms around Harry's neck.

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