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I was dreading the start of the school term for one reason and one reason only - Snape's detentions. Professor McGonagall still hadn't managed to talk to me, mainly because every time she was in view I would run. I knew that the time would have to come though, and deeply suspected that she would keep me behind in the first Transfiguration lesson back.

The night before term started, I found myself running down the second-floor corridor away from McGonagall when I bumped into someone.

"Oliver!" I straightened up, grabbing his wrist and pulling him around the corner so that we were out of sight from the Professor. "How was your Christmas? Enjoy the party?"

"I did," Oliver growled, and I was surprised to see him looking angry, "until I was told that one of my chasers had three months of detention!"

"Ohhhh," I muttered, biting my lip awkwardly. "Yeah...erm...yeahhh-"

"I swear to Merlin, Millie Donovan," said Oliver, shaking his head exasperatedly, "you better sort something out so that you can still train. I really don't want to lose you as a Chaser."

"I will," I reassured him, mentally slapping myself - never in a million years would Snape let me off of detention. "Oh, and you might want to speak to Harry. He still hasn't got a broomstick-"

"He what-!" Oliver groaned loudly, gripping his hair with his fists. "I expect to see you at practice next week, Millie, or - or I'll-"

He waved his arms wildly, before marching away out-of-sight, leaving me thinking desperately of how I could possibly get Snape to let me off for Quidditch.


Lessons started again next day. The last thing I felt like doing was spending two hours in the grounds on a raw January morning, but Hagrid had provided a bonfire full of salamanders for our enjoyment, and we spent an unusually good lesson collecting dry wood and leaves to keep the fire blazing, while the flame-loving lizards scampered up and down the crumbling, white-hot logs. The first Divination lesson of the new term was much less fun; Professor Trelawney was now teaching us palmistry, and she lost no time in informing Harry that he had the shortest life-lines she had ever seen, putting the boy in a very annoyed mood.

It was Defence Against the Dark Arts that I was keen to get to; after my conversation with Oliver, I decided to go to my Godfather for help.

"Please, Professor!" I begged, when I asked him to talk to Snape for me. I was careful in calling him 'Professor' too, what with Harry and Ron standing behind me. "He'll listen to you!"

"I can tell you right now that Professor Snape will not listen to me, Millie," said Lupin softly, shaking his head. "I recommend you go to Professor McGonagall. I can also let my friend know if you like, I'm sure he'd be interested."

I smiled; he was obviously talking about Dad.

"No, thank you," I said, sighing. "I'm sure your friend would come and duel Snape himself if he found out. I'll try and talk to Minnie."

Lupin grinned at my words, not correcting me on calling Professor McGonagall 'Minnie'.

I turned around, trying to keep a straight-face as Harry and Ron looked at me in complete confusion.

"Your turn, H," I said casually, leaning myself against a table.

"Right," muttered Harry, diverting his attention to Lupin. "Sir, I was wondering when we could get started on the Dementor lessons?"

"Ah yes," said Lupin, picking at a small scar on his hand. I frowned - that definitely hadn't been there at the party. "Let me see...how about eight o'clock on Thursday evening? The History of Magic classroom should be large enough...I'll have to think carefully about how we're going to do this...we can't bring a real Dementor into the castle to practice on...and Millie, be careful with Snape, okay? Don't anger him even more than he already is."

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