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I knocked on the door of Professor McGonagall's office, my shoulder leant on the nearby wall. It swung open almost instantly and I made my way inside, kicking it shut behind me with my foot. Professor McGonagall was sat behind her desk, while Mione was on the edge of a chair in front of the desk, her posture perfect and her eyes wide; she clearly thought we were in trouble.

"Donovan, please sit," said Professor McGonagall, gesturing to a chair beside Mione. I sat down very slowly, not talking my eyes off the Professor once. "Is there something on my face, child?" she asked calmly.

"No, sorry," I mumbled, biting back a laugh.

"Well you aren't in trouble, if that's what you're thinking," said Professor McGonagall, raising her eyebrows at me. "There's nothing to worry about, Miss Donovan."

"Oh thank merlin!" I exclaimed, clutching my heart dramatically; both Mione and Professor McGonagall looked at me in surprise. I rolled my eyes, saying, "I was being sarcastic..."

"Of course," said Professor McGonagall, having instantly returned to her usual stern expression, "I wouldn't have expected you to be so mature."

I gasped loudly, raising my eyebrows in mock surprise.

"Sarcasm?" she asked.

"There we go!" I said, grinning as she shook her head disapprovingly.

"Anyway," said Professor McGonagall firmly, shuffling some papers on her desk, "I trust you have worked it out already, but the Ministry will be wanting the timeturners they so kindly lent you at the start of the year back for the summer. Afterwards, of course, you may have them back. I must say, I have been extremely impressed with the both of you this year, and I feel proud that you have used the timeturners responsibly."

"Sooooo...your proud of us?" I pressed, smirking as Mione sunk lower in her chair, shooting me a fixed glare.

Professor McGonagall put down her papers and entwined her fingers together, then stared at me through narrowed eyes. "Do you know what I'm not proud of?"

I shrugged, suddenly feeling slightly nervous, despite maintaining my smile.

"Your fourty one detentions this year."


"Surely not-"

"I've counted, Miss Donovan," said Professor McGonagall severely. However hard I tried, I couldn't tear my eyes from hers; the expression on her face made me want to crawl into a hole and die.

"Oh, erm..." I stuttered, desperately searching my mind for an excuse. "At least it's not ninety one like Sniv - Professor Snape said?" I said unconvincingly; I was supposed to say it as a statement, but it came out more as though I was asking a question.

"Let me remind you that if it wasn't for me, you would've had those ninety-one detentions," said Professor McGonagall fiercely, and I joined Mione in sinking lower on my chair. "It is not good enough-"

"Oh, come on, Minnie!" I groaned, tapping the arm of my chair with my index finger nervously. "Loads of people get detentions-"

"Miss Granger has not had one," she snapped, her eyebrows furrowed.

"And that's amazing, but I couldn't cope with all the homework!" I argued, sitting up again. "I was actually going to come and talk to you about it...I don't need the timeturner next year. If it's okay, I'm going to drop Ancient Runes and Muggle Studies."

It was true. The work had been way too much - even if I had only done half of it.

Professor McGonagall blinked, and I was surprised to see her expression had completely changed; she looked shocked.

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