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"Hi," I said quietly, walking over to Lyra, Elwood and Austin. "Can I sit?"

"Of course you can, idiot." Elwood grabbed my hand and pulled me down next to him, wrapping his arms tightly around me. "Are you okay? Lyra told us what happened."

"I thought you could do with having some friends around you," Lyra said timidly.

"You were right, thanks," I said gratefully, leaning my head onto Elwood's chest and sending the girl a smile. "What happened after I left?"

"Well, you told me to go and ask Hermione-"

"Yeah, sorry for shouting at you," I mumbled.

"-don't be stupid, girl, I would've shouted at me, too," said Lyra, waving her hand dismissively. "Anyway, so I went upstairs to the boys' dormitory, and I passed Dumbledore on the stairs - he said hi, you know, the usual boring stuff - and then I found Hermione crying her eyes out at the top of the stairs obviously because of what happened with you, but also because apparently Harry and Ron are still pissed at her because of a cat and a rat?" She sent me a confused look and I just shook my head, inviting her to continue. "Okay so I tried comforting her but it didn't work, so I walked into the boys dormitory to find Harry and Ron laying on separate beds, looking like they'd both died, and I thought 'jeez, this house is even more depressing than Ravenclaw'-"

"Lyra," Austin stopped her, rolling his eyes playfully.

"Right, sorry. And then I asked what was wrong and Ron told me how you'd been sent a letter by Sirius Black saying he wants to talk to you again? And then I asked him why he looked so sad and he began shouting, saying stuff like 'because Millie has betrayed us' and then I did something...I regret."

"What?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

Lyra grimaced. "I may have...punchedhimintheface."

"What?" I repeated, frowning. "You said it too quickly."

"She punched him in the face," Elwood answered for her, smiling. "Lyra Medina punched Ron Weasley in the face."

"You what?" I gasped, gently pushing Lyra's side. "He'll never forgive me-"

"Excuse me?" Lyra exclaimed, shaking her head. "Millie, no. You aren't just going to go and ask them to forgive you, right?"

"Obviously not," I mumbled, fiddling with Elwood's jumper. "But I'm...I just - I feel quite hurt, you know? I thought they trusted me. And Harry. He looked so betrayed, but it just made me angry at him. How dare he think I do something like that?" I groaned. "I love him and it pisses me off."

"Hey, Millie," Lyra said softly, reaching out and taking my hand. "You know it's okay to feel sad sometimes, right? You don't have to put on a strong front all the time..."

"I know," I muttered, squeezing her hand in an attempt to get rid of the lump forming in my throat.

"That also means it's okay to cry, too," said Austin knowingly, sending me a small smile.

I parted my lips to say something, but, unlike half an hour ago, no words came out. Instead, I looked down at the ground as a tear slipped from my left eye. I quickly clenched my jaw in an attempt to stop more from falling; Elwood was rubbing my back comfortingly, which wasn't entirely helping my emotional state.

"My Grandma told me something once," he said quietly, shooting the three of us an embarrassed look. "She said, 'cry as hard as you want to, but just make sure that when you're finished, you never cry over the same reason again'."

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