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I inspected my reflection in the mirror lazily for exactly two seconds, before putting my trainers on, not really caring what I looked like. I glanced down at my watch and swore when I saw that I was supposed to meet Theo five minutes ago.

"Shit, shit, shit..." I mumbled repeatedly, grabbing the first jumper I saw and chucking it over my head. I rushed out of the bathroom, quickly facing my best friends.

"You look gorgeous, Millie," said Mione, looking up from her book and smiling.

"Yes, but, erm..." Lyra grinned amusingly. "I wouldn't wear your ex-boyfriend's jumper on a date if I were you..."

My eyes widened, glancing down at myself - sure enough, Harry's black hoodie was hanging loosely off my body.

I groaned, hastily pulling it back over my head. I then ran out of the dormitory, calling goodbye to the two girls over my shoulder.

I jumped off the last step, entering the mostly-empty common room; apparently most people were going to Hogsmeade.

"There you are."

I turned my head to come face-to-face with Harry, who was leaning against the wall directly next to the staircase. I quickly took a step back, considering how close we were. My eyes dropped down to his body, but not because I was checking him out.

"May I ask why you're holding my cat?" I said, raising my eyebrows as Smokey purred loudly in Harry's arms.

"I woke up and he was laying on my pillow," said Harry, tilting his head. "Clearly he likes me better than you."

"Clearly," I said shortly, reaching forward and taking Smokey in my own arms, trying to ignore the way Harry's fingers brushed against mine.

"Soooo, what're you doing today?" he asked casually, pushing himself off the wall.

"Going to Hogsmeade," I answered, kneeling down and letting Smokey on the ground. I gave him a small kiss on his head, before looking up. Harry was standing directly over me, biting his lip as he looked down. "Shit..." I muttered to myself, quickly standing up again. "Don't you dare say anything-"

"I wasn't going to." He laughed, following me as I began to walk. "What did you say you were doing today? I was distracted."

I shot him a cold look because of his dirty mind, before answering, "I'm going to Hogsmeade-"

"Oh brilliant, me too," said Harry instantly, grinning slyly. "Let's meet up."

"Meet up?" I repeated, furrowing my eyebrows. "Why?"

"Because" - he suddenly grabbed my wrist, pulling me back towards him - "we need to talk, whether you like it or not."

I was so transfixed by the way his emerald eyes were boring into mine, I hardly knew what I was doing when I nodded.

"Good." He released me, beginning to walk again. I hesitantly followed him. "Meet me in the three broomsticks at one o'clock, okay?"

I glanced down at my watch - it read 10:30.

"I'll try," I muttered, trying to avoid looking at him. "Erm - I'm meeting someone first."

"That's fine," said Harry calmly, and I whipped my head round to look at him, suprised that he hadn't said anything else. He was already staring at me.

"Fine?" I repeated, trying to make my voice sound unconcerned.

"Mmm," he mumbled, letting his tongue run across his bottom lip. "I'm meeting someone too."

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