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That evening I found myself in the dormitory with Lavender, Parvati and Mione, all of us beginning to get ready for the party. I had been with Elwood and Lyra all day in the library, hiding from Professor McGonagall, who had sent multiple students to let me know that she was looking for me. Every time this happened, I had thanked them and completely ignored their words.

I had just told the girls what had happened with Snape. Lavender and Parvati were now gaping at me, while Mione stayed completely blank.

"Well, I panicked," I said truthfully, laying my dress out on my bed to avoid any wrinkles or crumples. I admired it for a moment, before grabbing the ring Harry had bought me and preparing it next to the dress.

"Bloody hell," Lavender breathed, shaking her head at me from her seat in front of the mirror. "I'm surprised you weren't expelled!"

"I think deep down Snape knew I technically hadn't done anything wrong," I said, snatching the towel from my bedside table. "And anyway, I still got three months of detention, I think that's enough punishment."

Parvati and Lavender giggled, Parvati saying, "How do you do it, Millie?"

I frowned, taking my hair out of its messy bun. "Do what?"

"Do you," Parvati said, laughing. "I mean, how did you have the bravery to do that?

"And when you came to breakfast after," Lavender continued, pausing from brushing her hair, "you still looked stunning, even after rolling around on the floor!"

My cheeks turned pink as I smiled gratefully at the two girls. "Thank you," I said quietly, "but so are you two, you just don't know it, that's the difference. Parvati, I bet you don't see how all the first-years goggle at you every morning as you walk in, like you're their biggest role model. They look up to you, Parv! That's amazing! And Lavender, I so wish I was as clever as you. Even in Divination, the real reason I don't try that hard, is because, well,-" I cleared my throat timidly, "-because I can't do it. You are two of the prettiest witches I have ever seen, I just wish you could see it, too." I glanced at the third girl, who was watching silently. "And you, Mione."

Parvati sighed happily. "Oh, Millie..." She ran over and did exactly what I had done to Snape, knocking me over onto my bed, just missing my dress; only this time, Parvati hugged me tightly. Lavender blew me a kiss, turning back to the mirror and looking at herself with a new-found confidence. "I love you," Parvati said, pushing herself off of me and jumping up and down. "Come on, Lav, I need to go and grab my straighteners from Padma's dormitory." Lavender squealed, following her best friend out of the room.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, propping myself onto my elbows.

"Do you really think that?" Mione said finally, not meeting my eyes.

"Yes," I said at once, furrowing my eyebrows. "Do you?"

"Of course I do," she snapped, before softening her gaze and looking at me. "Sorry-"

"Don't worry," I said quickly, not wanting to cause annother argument. "Erm - I'm going to have a shower..."

"Right," Mione whispered, standing up and taking Lavender's place at the mirror.

I took an extra long shower, soaking in the hot water. I took extra care washing my hair with my strawberry-scented shampoo, making sure the rest of my body was completely clean and soft. My stomach was lined with small grazes, obviously from where I had chucked myself away from Snape.

"Git," I grumbled, grabbing the soap and scrubbing hard.

I got out around forty-minutes later, wrapping the towel around my hair and slipping on a bathrobe. I opened the door to find Lavender decked in a beautiful navy dress that massively suited her. She was now sitting in front of the vanity mirror, while Mione did her hair in curls. Mione was wearing a gorgeous champagne-coloured dress that was floor-length and hugged her figure perfectly.

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