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The remaining two hours of the Christmas dinner was actually very enjoyable, despite the fact that Mione and Ron were still not talking. Even Brock eventually relaxed a bit, and even laughed when Ron told his famous story about how he 'tried to kill a small spider' last week.

Full to bursting with Christmas food and still wearing our cracker hats, Harry, Ron and I got up first from the table and Professor Trelawney shrieked loudly, this time making half the hall turn to us.

"Bloody hell!" I said, looking at the teacher disbelievingly. "What's wrong, Professor?"

"My dears!" she cried, clutching the table. "Which of you left your seat first? Which!"

"Dunno," said Ron, looking uneasily at the table next to us, who were all laughing.

"I doubt it will make much difference," said Professor McGonagall coldly, "unless a mad axe-man is waiting outside the doors to slaughter the first into the Entrance Hall."

Even Brock laughed. Trelawney looked highly affronted.

"Coming?" I said to Mione after I had regained myself.

"No," Mione muttered. "I want a quick word with Professor McGonagall."

"Oh, okay," I said slowly, tilting my head. "Everything okay?"

"Yes, yes," she replied absentmindedly. "I'll probably tell you later-"


"Millie," she said, looking at me. "I'll be quick."

"Probably trying to see if she can take any more classes," yawned Ron, when I told the boys what she had said.

"Hang on," Harry said, stopping just before the doors of the Hall. He poked his head round, saying, "just checking if there are any axe-men-"

"Don't be stupid," I said, pushing past him while Ron roared with laughter.

When we reached the portrait hole we found Sir Cadogan enjoying a Christmas party with a couple of monks, several preschools Headmasters of Hogwarts, and his fat pony. He pushed up his visor and toasted us with a flagon of mead.

"Merry - hic - Christmas! Password?"

"Scurvy cur," I said, raising my eyebrows as he tripped over the table leg.

"And the same to you, sir!" roared Sir Cadogan, as the portrait swung forward to admit us to the empty common room.

"Sir?" I repeated, scoffing. Harry and Ron were laughing so hard that they both collapsed onto the sofa, clutching each other. I rolled my eyes, saying calmly, "pull yourselves together and go and get your Firebolt, Harry - I want to admire it."

At my words, both boys sat up with excited expressions, practically falling over as they raced up the stairs to grab the broomstick. I sunk happily into an armchair by the fire, and in no time at all, Harry and Ron were back, Harry's fist clasped around the Firebolt.

"It's even prettier than you, Millie!" Ron breathed, as they both sat down either side of me.

"Erm - thanks, I guess," I said, deciding to take it as a compliment.

"Nah, you're the prettiest," Harry said, though I wasn't sure whether he was speaking to me or the broomstick - his eyes were fixed on the shiny handle.

Ron had just begun analysing every single little twig, when the portrait hole opened again and Mione came in, accompanied by - Professor McGonagall.

Though Professor McGonagall was Head of Gryffindor house, I had only ever seen her in the common room once before, and that had been to make a very grace announcement. The three of us stared at her, my body sandwiched in between Harry and Ron's, who's hands were still clutching the Firebolt. Mione walked in without even looking at us, sat down, picked up the nearest book and hid her face behind it.

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