♈ S.U.S of Fire Free I ♈

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+ Chance to Save you again +

After it, Mom told me the whole truth. It makes me mad to them. I never back to house, instead I stay in the apartle her family provided me. Today, I plan to tell them the whole truth. It might sounds crazy but I risk to try.

"Look, it never bother them. It sure they would think your lunatic." Sis. Nytch explains.

I told her about the real thing happen on me that time, which she laugh behind to find out the she personally investigate it. They never contented until the answer came out.

"I know. But atleast I tell them."

"Then what, your just make yourself look fool to her. Sure you end up crying once he pass that exams."

"She what- ?" I ask. So there's many thing happen when I was sleep for a day.

"Nothing, just go on."

"Sis, I know you know something. Tell me." I demand.

In end, she told me about it. She just find it out herself, since she never bother to visit. I feel more energy drain me. They look so worried thou I said its fine.

'So she decided, like that man said. I'll be the reason she came that school. No I will not let them.' I said to myself. I'll gonna save her this time.

So that night, I decide a formal visit. What I didn't expect is she was looking at me, intensely like memorizing my whole sysyem. It was confirm, I wanna hug her only if her mother not came out. She let me in, then silent the whole dinner.

"Still a busy, Parents." Auntie Eerai, her mother said. "So hows your scar?"

"Its healing fast." I said. I don't even have a scratch mark to that one. Like it heal on its own. I saw there worried expression. They like my second family. "No worries, It will be fine soon."

"Its good. Your parents sure worried about you."

Sure they are, If only they knew about it. I look at Ai, she seems in deep thoughts. Her Mom tell me about how she recieved a good news: Pass the exams. I knew she could do it, but thats not bother me. Its how her life inside that school.

"You can enter to that Academy with her if tragedy won't happen." They still a supportive parents.

I wanna explain the real reason on it. But will they believe me. I suddenly feel ashame, the man sure know this will happen.

"No worries, it her descision too. Besides I believe after a year, she can be a woman everyone never think off." Her Dad said proudly.

"Sure it is, I mean its one of a life time oportunity. So its a good thing she pass that." Her Mom said.

That school know for Strict Policy, as we secretly investigate. It just happen they caught every single spies around; You can tell were not the only curious company about this school. Its NGO's yet works under Goverment for good, so everyone seems eager to know what inside.

We even collaborate with others to see if it works. But its either our people isn't train enough or they good enough on this matter. They totally got them captured for less than a week, which is so impossible to happen but they did. Its good they didn't file a case againts us.

Where almost get caught, but they never say a thing to the PubCon. Its the school name & students they protect. One of there Golden Rules as they imply in & out of the academy.

Atleast, there was good reason they made re-exams every year differently for all students. It was fair enough, After few moments, they left us.

"Sorry about Mom. She really open to all. Just forget it."

"So are you really transfering to that school?"

"Sort off."

"It sounds unassure. Are you having doubt, you can ignored them."

"Like Mom said, its one time opportunity. Beside I saw how they run the school. I can say its all worthy if I graduate there."

So was it, maybe it same reason why I end up here. So I couldn't make contact to her.

"It seems your undecided." I said. "After all, you plan to leave us-me ?"

"Didn't I have rights to decide on my own?"

"I didn't mean it."

"I know." I said. "Just trust me on this, alright?"

"Was it or something trigger you to do it?" I ask make her stop. "No need to answer."

"Thats for me to tell." She said. "You don't need to bother me anymore. Its what my Parents wants me for good."

"So your gonna follow them?" It seems far from what I see.

I should provoke her decisions instead, but no doubt to be afraid it might end up forcing her. I mean being a detective is not 100% sure about the rest might happen in your accord. She silently walk to the balcony.

"Yes, Parents know best. So I have no doubts about it." She said. "This is were I can be myself, free from human stress & to you as well."

Her honesty hurts morethan anything specially if it mean for good how it ends. Otherside, I end up worried to her all days.

"I'm sorry. If this not happen for sure your stay here."

"This isn't your fault. Its my choice. Beside you can finally study in the detective school you want."

I let her knows my dreams. But those dreams are nothing without her. I want her be there too. But this time, I admit I failed.

The moment after, her Mom lend me the Confirmation letter a proof she was pass. My instinc as Detective suddenly up as I read its content. I made a copy to my phone just to look for it later.

☆☆☆☆☆ to be continue ☆☆☆☆☆

💌 here's an update 🥰 hope you enjoy 😅

[Ctto. Anime Picture above]

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