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+ Adapt to there Environment +

🔰 Legend ♈

Then were all here, except Head Nurse & Head Cheft, guess they need an earshot later.

"Do we shiftHeads here?" Head Trox ask.

"Wait for the Z-Councils order." Head Dean reminds. Its like run off by the Z-Councils & Royalties.

"But they should be hurry, this was a good time to know the rest of them." I said. "What?"

"Not bad for the first day, you left a good impression to those kids."

"Was it my fault that there parents make them grew like that?"

"Yeah, imagine how there parents suffer with them. No wonder some was send here to make a straight life." Head V, commented. "Those earthly Heir's got it all."

"You really are talking that here?" Zoom, one of the Z-Councils.

"Aren't you learn to knock at all?" Head V commented. "Just to make your presence notice."

"Its not my thing to heard it all. Beside you know well that I need to keep my -"

"Whatever. Just go with your purpose here."

"Are you the H.D?"

"Want to recommend me?"

"Nope, the Academy is better in current H.D, right Agie?"

We, I know him in such a long time ago. He even make name of other knights recommendation as HH of C-Dorm so it won't be suspicious & obvious for others.

"Never the less, I'm willing to pass it to who's willing to let me."

"Such a shame. Anyway, your concern was voted. So for those Children you heartly recommended better make supervisions on them."

"That what we do. Is there anything they can recommend for us?"

"Well, better do it asap. I mean your Z-Defenders. It was King orders." Originally he was Royal Knight work as Z-Councils Pawns.

"Perhaps a strict top to there tranings will do." Head Giae said. "I'm not sure but if something trigger it, they became wild & out of control. Its good that I saw it in advance."

"The Lady House speak, so better ready for it." Then he vanished as his name.

"By now, the house Club was posted so better inform the HH."

"That was interesting." Head V said. "I wonder were he went thru."

☆☆☆☆☆ to be continue ☆☆☆☆☆

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