♈ Holiday Music Box ♈

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+ Mysterypiece : Partridge in a Pear tree +

It was then a Judgement day for the creation of every house. Just as I thought, A wonderful Partridge in a Pear tree, music Box.

Its materials was quite unexpensive ; made of recyclable wood, paper, Clay & Water Paint; Golden Yellow & Bloody Red for the Representation of Fire Golden House.

Its look good & sounds nice with the hymn of 12days of Christmas. Such seasons means a wonderful holiday.

"This part is good, I bet this isn't from your house."

"Its one of a Piscesians masterpiece." There was engrave seal of there house.

"Such a talented one, who have thought about it was a real genius."

"Your talking, knight Kei?" Knight Zhy ask, proudly. Then they start talk of pride from there house.

"Am I really talking to your Brother Knight Elire?"

"His my cousin, not a brother." He nodded as respond to it.

"If I were your sister, I dump him."

"Hey, heard it."

"Yeah, bet about it Knight Jake. After all, his nothing but a big T.R.O.U.B.L.E to your family."

"Old souls used a foul words today."

"Just saying to save her sister from misserable life with you in the future."

"Knights will you shut up!" knight Flymms said. "Who came this one?"

"Its anonimous, obviously that he-she will know it win already." Knight Dietty said only one doesn't care about there mood. "Perhaps, its real intentions."

"Then what you suggest?"

"If I were it, I feel bit of curious if my masterpiece isn't choose to win. After all, its a common for the rest."

"Then who will be the winner?"

"Question, isn't it unfair for the other to declare winner if not?" Lady Lhyza ask.

"Your right, everyone makes an effort."

"What about lets auctions it by there votes. It sure not unfair for them." Lady Vien suggest. "Just those we choose individually as a winner, excepts those in same house."

"Not bad, I'll go with it." The rest agree & choose which best & not that exclude hoping it has same result. "We announce the winner in Christmas Eve, so it would be pair to everyone."

"This is much harder than it used to be."

"You say so, it was hard but we off to it now."

It was a worth holiday for us here. Everyone enjoys in each house activities for day. It came out to be the best activities was from the Maidens house itself. They have a surprisingly animated themes despite of everyone missery. After all the season never last without a holiday year end party which is a blast.

|Z-Activity Center |

"The heck, who manage this party?" A knight from Maidens ask.

His no fun to begin with, like the Lead house defeat it. He read out the notes that written it, more likely cut it.

"The Juniors, you know just to make everyone enjoy." Knight Lexs said. "They quite childish for there ages, involve us freshybin there Play."

"But its pretty good, they just sure have a wishlist name. For the rest Wishdate is kind of look forward."

"The question is who give a wish date for the winner? Lady Virgo ask. "Not we know if its Knight or Lady."

Its should be a codename with house & wishlist, the names was quite different. As per entry names it, The wishlist;

* Stop Me Ram
* Look for me Scale-ians
* Listen carefully Maidens
* Follow me Leonians
* Seek me Archerians
* Trust me I'm Piscesians
Valid until you Graduate
#NemesiesOfRoyals PersonalWishlist

We believe it was a random prank. Then there comes another but written in different curves & it must be a warn from previous base on the House Activity.

* Watch your Steps
* Don't turn back, Follow the Red Lights
* Your Skills make us wins

This two is quite intriguing, like they know each other but in different path & they have same things in sort of mind. One order, one warn. Hell with this students.

"So which one is good Prank?" Knight Piscesians ask. "But other it, I never allowed used up the pride name of Piscesians!"

"I don't think this names as prank, it can be in wishlist but its an order & warning at the same time." Knight Lexs said as the rest nodded.

Some of House has there own competitive performances for non academics : Sing & Dance skills. It was funatic performance.

The rest of the day continue as more came to be part of it. After announce the over all winner will receieved a wishdate from any of us; Z-Students who early birds for the entire Party

☆☆☆☆☆ to be continue ☆☆☆☆☆

Can there be more stories awaits after 2021? Well, lets take up there Journey. Less keep ipdates for this one. New years means new Stories & updates. More stories to expect pass by, hope you read them all. 🎄🍃

Short but hope made your days, wait for other events. Ctto. Picture above.

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