♈ Fire the Alarm ♈

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+ Past track : Trained week +

♡ Airee ♈

We gathered here in Z-Forest clearing. Its to avoid any possible damage.

"Tell us again why you bring us here?" Knight Lexus ask.

"We got a club activity." Knight Flymms replied. "No worries the admins already informed & we have guest for days."

Then they begin to separate us, our way up in hill side of the academy. We never knew exist at all.

"This view is facinating!" Lady Luna said as we reach on top.


"I see you pass the test given by your HH." Knight Flymms said. "Just to inform you, its just a step stone to what you probably have entering the Club."

I can't see the reason why but this must be none ordinary club, entrance test is different depends on house. This batch of student Pass the test from there HH.

"They no ordinary Person you met beside it between you, us-Destructive Club & this academy only." Did I miss something. "I hope you cooperate to them like you did."

"What are you, an Alien?"

"You can say it, Lady Pisces."

I've ask for what I missed, hope didn't cause it do lot of courage to do. But this people seems not care, some got a bored comments-Maiden after a few argue get along.

"We just gathered then separate." Knight Zhy ask. Beside him is Knight Sajie. "Isn't it weird?"

"That be more challenging."

"Don't take them serious, its natural for them to worried." Knight Jake said. "Just do your best to be part of this Club."

Well, that be opposite to his action. His look at Lady Pisces like it should not happen.

"Yeah, even it againts the house rules." None of this mention us. "Not try to scare you but its not like another easy test for you."

"What so special about this Club activity that we need to endure such danger?" Isn't it in Club Manual. "Also, treated us like a pawn of this activity doesn't make sense."

"Your gift really amazing." Knight Xian mention. "A Maiden is a Maiden."

"Nope, I am a knight Virgo, as it was."

"Too confident, aren't you?" He just smirk to knight Kry. "I hope to see it in end."

"Don't underestimate us in such words." The rest just gasp to his direction. "Were trained by the least thing you never imagine."

"Words from a Leonians." He pointed. "We never came unprepared."

"Thats fire up." Knight Elires said. Mostly, those who seems a rebellious one. "Atleast you encourage them."

"It seldom to happen, just this events since it was trully special." Knight Zuke said. "Also, were looking forward to your performance."

"Don't be hint spoiler, knight Ryll." His twin said. "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil."

"Nice words from '3 wise monkey's." Knight Ruen. "Do you know the names?"

"The three monkeys are Mizaru, covering his eyes, who sees no evil; Kikazaru, covering his ears, who hears no evil; and Iwazaru, covering his mouth, who speaks no evil." Lady Lhyza said.

"Study well then." He said then join the other.

◇ Prix ♈

My Patience was more on limit now. Aside that we camp the other day, now were here known as forbidden Z-forest but it just a rumors to keep them out safe. This isn't like they said & thou everyone is tired we enjoy the scenery.

"I'm glad to be part of this Club." Lady Luna said. This Ladies closer than before. "I mean look how this odds for such scary stories."

As we walk, a glowing Red color the way as if signifies fire give a luminous glow path for us. It was overdue for some history can explains.

| Z-Knight Fire Dorm |

"In advanced, if you'd make it. Be sure you'd still well firmly set fire on ground. Isn't it ordinary one but seen enough to believe your ability." It was knight Xhen words have a quick assemble to our Dorm. "After all, the Ladies might be your strenght but they still need a Knight to lean on."

"As if were entering a dangerous one." He sighs.

"They can't let you pass the exams if they seen you-"

"That what you get from intervee my words."

"It a made up one. This were the name came up to be." Knight Nero said as breath the fresh air. "Its our hidden sanctuary from the toxins land."

"Don't tell us, you show this because were gonna be part of this Club?" He chuckle.

"Must be from Knight Xhen, his really a spoiler."

"This isn't like first one to heard it." Speaking off. Even the rest of HH was here. "Just wanna give them something to motivate."

"That never change the fact you let them pass." Knight Xian. "Anyway, They deserve it."

"There's more on this." Heard Lady Airee whisper. "This people have something undercover."

I ask same, where like gonna walk in this forest for hours now.

"She's being sweet again. Aren't she? Such Lady should be treasure for life time." But I bet he mean the young Lady from Taurus. "Maybe, I could watch her from behind."

"Your on same house." He chuckle. "Aren't you ask, then you'll knew."

"I don't like to see the end of being all do is talk." I said, mostly for myself. He just tap my shoulder.

In the middle was a clearing, this people sure play with us. I mean were back from the start one.

"So this is how they play." I heard Knight Maiden chuckles. He seems enjoy it were the rest is tired walk for seems no end.

"Not the adventure, I look forward but enough to cause big-" On cue, some were panic find a way out.

"This must be the insane feeling, I felt from them." Lady Airee said, tried to calm herself. I came walk to her.

"No worries, like old time. We figure this out." I said, well I guess this he means when they still need Knights to lean on.

"Probably, but not in eyes of Sagitarians." Heard Knight Sajie said as look to us-Lady Luna, she find a way to calm which everyone follow.

☆☆☆☆☆ to be continue ☆☆☆☆☆

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