♈ A words on Fire ♈

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+Diary of Aries: To be continue+

This part is all about Aries the Ram, It was not written as it doesn't mean as valid to all Person born under this sign. It can be different from Moon sign, sun and more.

Season/Locations: Spring Equinox
Animal Spirit : Cheetah

Aries (March 21 — April 19)

When it comes to falling in love, some zodiac signs are naturally attracted to each other, without even really knowing why. They meet each other & feel this mysterious connection, like somehow they know this person is meant to be a part of their lives. Once they start dating, they find out they were 100 percent right.

FYI, Arangement accord. To my research result.

Most likely heartbreaks of Aries:
☆ Gemini
☆ Leo
☆ Scorpio

Soulmate of Aries
☆ Leo
☆ Sagittarius
☆ Gemini
☆ Cancer

Worst Match of Aries
☆ Taurus
☆ Cancer
☆ Capricorn
☆ Aries

Bff of Aries
☆ Leo
☆ Sagittatius
☆ Gemini (Curious Air)

Dangerous Zodiac
☆ Cancer (most)
☆ Taurus
☆ Sagittarius
☆ Aries

Mostly Avoid Dating Pairs
☆ Aries 💔 Capricorn

Most least Compatible Pairs
☆ Aries to Pisces & Cancer

Mostly attracted to Aries
☆ Cancer
☆ Libra
☆ Sagittarius


These three signs are naturally drawn to Aries, for a variety of reasons. According to Barretta, Cancers want to feel protected, so "they feel a pull towards this take-control sign."

Cancer also likes the fact Aries pulls them out of their "shell," & encourages them to try new things.

Libra has a way of balancing Aries out, as well. Together, they keep each other in check — usually before Aries does something too impulsive. As Barretta says, Libra also lives for the fact Aries has the ability to see both sides of any situation.

Sagittarius, they're drawn to Aries on an elemental level. "Sagittarius is of the fire element like Aries," Barretta says. "[They] like their independence and can more easily cope with [that side] of an Aries." Together, these two have a lot of fun together.

Most hard to get along with Aries

☆ Cancer
☆ Capricorn


Cancer will clash over basic emotional needs. "Aries is too brash, while Cancer is sensitive," she says. There's a good chance these two may butt heads.

Capricorn is too regimented and loves structure, while Aries is impulsive and doesn’t adhere to a regular routine, which causes issues between them both.

To get along with these two signs as an Aries, make sure to ask people if you don't understand how they feel, try to come to a compromise more often.

☆☆☆☆☆to be continue ☆☆☆☆☆

✍ Dedicate this part to PluvioLover, for being top 2 for voting for (Dec 2020) this month. Also an update, hope you like this.

I research basic thing about them. Shout out to all reader's born under this Aries Sign. You can vote, comment & follow for more update. Applications to be part of my incoming stories & Dedications are open too.

👩‍💻 Have a nice day, ahead.

💌 Comments, votes & follow me for more updates, thanks to 114+ readers. You trully inspire me @iris_virus, just message me to be part of my incoming more stories in future. Love you.

Very trully yours
-P.O I, Lady Piscesians-

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