Law Breaker II

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+ Deffenders : Unleashed the Fire Blast +

♡ Airee ♈

[Z-Discplinary Office]

After that so called Chaos, those left behind was take a punishment: running around the field.
As we enter the room, I saw a man. One of head I guess. He was way to formal than others. He was calmly yet leave out a serious presemce.

While here not sure what gonna happen to us. I mean one of them is familiar to me. I even saw our HH mad thru. Weird. But yeah. The other seems calm. Then some unknown creature-Head Dean broke out the windows.

"What crazy mind do you have here, Dean?" He ask. Yeah, he's the school Head Dean. "There was door if you could remember."

"Firesake of everyone here, I gotta teleport but I failed. So I end up here."

He explains like it was all obvious thing to do. Then look to us. Did he said teleport.

"Act normal, beside that was stupid excuse."

"Sorry about that kids." Did he totally ignored him. "Are you hurt?" Were silent.

"I guess, everyone is fine." She then look around. "But seems everything is broke."

"Its ok Lady Flora. The Service Team will clean it." Then look at us seriously. "Head Trox, Disciplinary Office."

"Can someone turn on the aircon. Its so hot here."

If I wasn't in serious condition right now I could laugh with his epic act. I mean to all people less I know to be serious is head Dean.

"Turn on it yourself."

"As always. In serious one, I don't like to be burn out now so I came in safe; except to my landed here. Beside I wanna tell you your Head trainer wasn't in good mood."

"We saw it Dean." HH Lady Flora said.

"Yeah, Specially those who-if you want to stand there for the rest of the day then you can. But you can sit here." He offer, but everyone is so tense to do it.

"Don't mind them guys. Just sit & relax." Hh Xhen, said calmly. He reminds me of Josh in this kind of situations. "Specially you Knight Prix, you know need of full relax for later."

"Im fine head." He said, but his look failed it. I'm ready for worse.

"Forgive his Isolence mouth, Head." She play in Nice act.

"Great, then be it." He said then look at HH. "You sure high the presure here. I don't think they misunderstood it."

"I doubt it, head." He was way to calm after to what he said. "They pretty pressure themselve before you came."

"I see that."

"Enough with the childish act." Head Trox said in serious then look to us. "I heard you guys cause some troubles this early morning. Am I right?"

Yeah, basically you can call it trouble. But not when were on right side of the trouble. We silent to that, I feel there trembling presence. Well, who was not when you face the Head of Z-Disciplinary. The Job suits well to his presence.

"Are they really gonna stand there?" I heard Lady Luna ask. "It just me or you guys sense things weird gonna happen soon."

"Probably, they seems in normal situation. Since we enter the room. You see they seems weird."

"It seems normal. They just do there Duty." The man said in front of me. Are we close.

Then our supposed to be head trainer enter the room put more pressure to sorrounding. I feel his anger at the same time amusement in his eyes the way he act.

Hh just halfbow to him, like we did. Sadly not all, I feel some unknown force presence inside this room. I look at them ignoring the strong force argue to out inside me.

Head trainer & this Knight Student. He sure has confidence to face up. I had no idea were that fire courage presence came. But its all too dangerous, he seems absorb the so much pressure in this room.

"Just because your an Aries, I let you talk to her like that." What the deal being an Aries. "Apologized to her!"

Then the Air feel cold, to my surprise it came from our Head, the presence released from her make us calm. Like it healed us.

☆☆☆☆☆ to be continue ☆☆☆☆☆

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