♀️♂️♈ Mission II : Search & Secured ♈

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+ Getting the Idea +

♡ Airee ♈

I've been in Z-Clinic for week after that incidence. I even missed a lot of Lesson, so now I double time just to catch up with them-our lessons. It kindly hard but not in Blocked class. Where few of the J-knights (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) join in.

"When do they start join in our Class?"

"Can't tell but since that incident happen."

| Previous |

"Aireeee!!!!" Lady Lhyza yelled. "I was so worried."

"If I know you just worried to loose another Client in the future."

"Your so bad to me. Am I have no right to worried to our friend?" She complain. "Beside, its not us even his Knight Aries."

"Knight Prix?" I ask.

"Who else, its not the J-Knight Aries you think I talk right?"

"Where responsible for everyone safety, so its normal even not from lead house can worried." Doc. Rou said, as check up on me. Beside him is J-Knight Ken.

"Sorry Doc." She said.

"How is she?"

"Why not ask her yourself. Your already here." I just told them good, except I felt used my entire energy lately. "Just rest, we informed your class head."

"Are you sure your alright?" I nodded. I still need to ask them about it. Like, there's a Dropblock Class with them.

I even feel some tense around. From knights beside they weren't compete know our level but it seems not the way it all.

"Knight Lexus, what you think is the weakness of fires?"

"Their weakness is their short fuse, Fire signs tend to emotionally blow up in a larger-than-life explosion when they are truly pressed. Anyone standing in the way comes under fire as well - Simmons says." He answered not look back.

"So yeah, all things considered, the fire signs can be considered the most powerful of all the other elements." Knight Flyms added.

They're one of Pioneer Golden Knight of Fire. They pretty smart but now were on same class with them.

| present |

"The probability you knew there words is by actions. But your not listening instead do the  opposite." Wth, this knight talk about. "Its not someone gonna tell it straight to your senses."

"Thanks for whatever your doing to help." It probably him, a Brainless knight. "But yeah, I can handle it."

Aside it, I sure need to reset my mislead mission. Its still bothered me, somehow I manage to be on track. Tell me, everyday to wake up all that again but remain won't mind.

"Its not a help, but a words of advice from knight Maiden." He really name it. "I next from 5th, if the first one is slow the rest will follow thou there's few who take it."

Thou Its hardly to believe, makes long time. Not mind spending it for rest of year. I need a good adjustment to know this all. But where can I possibly start.

|Cafe De Mustard |

I, we barely knew each other but with simple drink were like a nothing separate us. Anyway, it just the one academy allow to operate within the Academy, it one hell of there Main branch here.

Some Admin heads like a machine need to work the entire week. As named a workaholic one.

"I can't believe your this easy to friend." Lady Nhyll comment. "Well, first empression last but don't judge the knights by its cover."

"You talk nonsense." They laugh.

"I can agree to it." Knight Axer added. "His like I own this world like Knight Zhy, the Pisces."

"Don't name us like someone exist." He aim back, among them his one update in outside world. "I better way of think this toxins land a livable city."

"It reminds me someone Either from Mutual or Fixed Class."

"You alright?" Knight Prix ask. I sighs as mention the earlier Lady Crew. "I bet she was a bit timid."

"I don't know." I said honestly. "I felt she wasn't here at all."

"Wanna ask the Manager?" He offer.

"Hey you two, not because your on same house & closer enough you forget our existence too." Lady Cere said with a grins on there faces. "If we ever disturb you, we can adjust."

"Your imagination run wild again." I said, he just smirk. "But since you ask, do you notice some unusual about the Lady before those Crew?"

"Who?" I guess it just me. "Mira, Ora & what the other name again?"

"Guess her name Demise." It really send chills on me.

"Shouldn't be Miracle & Demise are twins not Oracle."

"Why your smarter, its there Parent's not yours."

"Nope, just wonder since they're no plan telling us."

"Its there Privacy & talk about the other Lady aside them." Knight Denz told them. "Why not name yours in future."

"That be unique but I have a better one."

"Knights & there heads." Lady Cere said. "Isn't it wrong we invite this people. Monkey humans my brain is polluted by this."

"Don't take it serious." Knight Denz advice. "We came because you ask, also try something new."

◇ Prix ♈

I just visit her in my own time. After all it just a simple one I can do.

"You know, you can enter. Beside she look forward to seen you." Knight Doc. Rou said. "Its not like she nagging you all days."

"I can't even have rights to be with her on same house." I whisper.

"You change, huh." He said make me look up. "Believe me, she did too. After all, its less we can do with our students here. I mean no Z-wars even on same house."

"You can't said it if your on same situation like me."

"Wanna tell me, I have all ears."

"It can't be easily answered by sort of medicine."

"That term could means something else yet it be a sick if you end up treat it as hobbies."

"You sounds like Maidens now." Head Knight Ville said. "I felt like visit your place."

"It is or Knight Siege mention you?"

"I have reason, beside are you feel sick knight Prix?" I shrug & excuse myself.

☆☆☆☆☆ to be continue ☆☆☆☆☆☆

This Chapter Dedicated to joellegeagea thanks for adding my story to your List. Hope you find/read this good, as well with my other stories.

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