spoiled rotten.

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On the last day before Christmas break, she was sat in DADA, revising summoning curses and incantations. She was sat at the back, Draco accompanying her on the desk as Moody (well, Barty) drawled on about water summoning.  Her and Draco had grown closer in the past two weeks and she found herself missing him while he was gone. They'd gotten strangely domestic with each other. He'd taken her to Hogsmeade more than enough, and he'd even held her hand in public while they were there. However, there still wasn't a label to whatever they had going on.

"And somebody in this room," Moody signalled to her, "Summoned 'aguamenti' not even two months ago," he started limping towards her and grabbed the fabric of the robes on her shoulder, signalling she get up. He pushed against her shoulder until she was at the front of the class, about thirty or forty sets of eyes on her.

"Professor Snape says you shouldn't be taught spells so strong, I say different!" he said, similar to when he introduced them to the unforgivables. "Now, Miss Crouch, when did you learn to perform such spells?"

"School, last year, sir," she almost whispered. She hated classroom atmosphere, especially at Hogwarts, where almost nobody knew her. She just looked at the ground in front of her.

"See! You're being deprived of learning! Miss Crouch's education could rival a seventh year! You know, in France you'd have been finishing school in a years' time!"

It was true. Because Audrey started the Advanced content so early, she could've finished next year. But she was here.

"Professor, can I sit down?" she asked, almost whispering again. What was he trying to make an example of?

"Sit, see me after this class," he said to her relief. What was he trying to do? Draco had his head in his hands as if he were asleep. She sat for the rest of the lesson, wondering what he could possibly want.

Just as the clock chimed, he spoke again in urgency.

"Professor Dumbledore said that after neglect the whole year, there's a Quidditch tournament this weekend. All houses of Hogwarts, two Durmstrang under 17s and two teams made of the girls from France. He's trusting you, Miss Crouch, to have that in order," he growled before dismissing them with a wave of his hand. Draco's interest peaked and was smirking at Audrey.

"I'll see you upstairs," he whispered, before being the last to leave. She shut the door behind Draco and turned to the man at the front of the class.

"Well fucking sit down," he raged. He'd always had a short temper, and she thought it probably factored in when she thought about his rebellion. She waited ten minutes before the polyjuice wore off. "Amycus is coming with Fudge and Fudge Jr to watch you play," he sighed.

"Did they tell you what happened the other week?" she asked after a pause.

"I seen you in the paper, but why were you there? You should've been here," he gritted.

"It was to try and convince me to marry him. He's been saying it for years, but he got his fucking Mother on me, laying it on thick, mind," she said, and his brows rose.

"He'd been arranging that for a while," he looked out the window, thinking on something, "I'm gonna kill him."

He had said this all of his life, but now she thought that everything lined up pretty well for him. She'd have somewhere to live, even if it's with Louis Fudge. He's close enough to her Father to do it seamlessly. And he'd obviously escaped her Father's imperius for a reason, so there must be something that's going on out there. The stuff that happened at the Quidditch final probably wasn't a coincidence.

"Barty, he's all I've got-"

"But you've got me! I'm here," he gritted. Why was he angry? "Tell me though. Is he really there? For you? He's clearly not invested in what you want."

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