prove it, ducky.

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I'd just like to notify y'all that I'm editing the first chapters to be in either 3rd person, or a better perception in first person. Don't take notice, the plot will stay the same.


When he found her, she was running. Straight to... Moody's classroom?

Rose and Draco sprinted out of his dorm as soon as they'd been told about Audrey's Father, and split up running around school looking for her after an interaction he could only describe as awkward between Rose and Theo.

He went to her room, finding the place untouched, save for some blood he saw on her sink, as if it had been smeared by her fingers. It was close to the drain, and when he left, he ran twice as fast, afraid she'd hurt herself.

He was leaving, and ascending some random stairs when he seen her running to Moody's class, banging on the door. He didn't want to approach, but instead found a way to listen to what was going on, placing himself in the alcove right next to the door while she was distracted with her knocking.

"What is it? It's after curfew!" he heard Moody growl.

"It's me, you psycho!" she whisper shouted, looking around to see if anyone could hear her. Little did she know, he was squatting in the alcove like a mad man.

The door flew open, presumably by spell, and she ran inside. He knew his actual room was up the stairs in the classroom, so she would've had to run all the way up to the stairs before she got there. Distraction. An open door. He took his chance, sliding in after her, just before the door slammed shut, and just out of sight of her.

As predicted, she sprinted at an unhuman speed to the stairs, stepping two stairs at a time, and slamming the ajar door of the Professor's room open.

Draco crept his way so he was standing against the stairs, still on the floor, and out of sight of anyone who happened to look out of the door into the room.

"YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED MY FUCKING FATHER!" she screamed. Literally screamed. His ears rang.

"I told you I would," a voice that definitely wasn't Moody's said, "Now it's just us, Audrey. You'll see."


There it was. His missing answer. The time she was abruptly taken from potions- explained. When she was asked to stay after class- explained. When she slipped, using Barty in a current timescale- explained. Despite what every witch, wizard and squib under the sun had been told, Bartemius Crouch Junior did not die in Azkaban.

"That what I'm doing is for your benefit," he spoke, calmly. Draco shuddered. He was a room away from a murderer. He'd been in the castle all year with someone who tortured all those people.

"Killing my Father is for my benefit, is it?" she seethed.

"Doing what Amycus says is. You know how he works. I don't obey, you get put in the cage. I'm unscathed."

Did he just say 'put in the cage'?

"So he told you to do it then?"

"He and another party. Amycus just wants you untethered. Technically, you're his responsibility now," he sighed.

"Another fucking party? You're bloody insane, did you know that?" she shouted.

"I am not insane!" he shouted back, very stern, "I know what I'm doing," he spoke.

"Oh yeah, of course you do. You've killed a parent before, haven't you, you sick fuck!"

He killed their Mother? I thought she was ill

The Minster's Daughter- Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now