skeleton scare.

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Dinner was, as always, yummy. I was quite a thin person because of the amount of sport I do. I usually ate a lot at dinner times for my metabolism to jab at in my sleep, and a decent breakfast to start the day. Other than that, I ate next to nothing during the day itself. However, that night, I didn't eat much come dinner time. I was too busy thinking about my friends. Will they hate me for moving away? Are they pleased to be rid of me? I had to know.

"Miss Crouch," I heard from behind me. I turned to see Mr Filch holding Mrs Norris, bent over scowling at me. "Professor Dumbledore would like to speak with you outside after dinner. He's asked me to request you to tell me your next lesson." He creeped me out completely. 

"Potions" I said, just wishing he would get lost. He hobbled to the front, whispering to Professor Dumbledore. I turned back, seeing Malfoy looking at me.

"You better not be missing potions, Crouch. I need free labour" He said, a hint of something I can't quite tell what in his voice.

"Malfoy, if you wanted labour, I would suggest asking someone who cares, because I certainly cannot be bothered slaving making you an antidote. To be honest, I already have my AP grade." Honestly, all I wanted to do was go to Rose.

"Not so happy now that headmaster wants to speak to you, are we? Telling daddy on us, do you reckon Draco?" Blaise butted in again. Before Malfoy could respond, I got up, heading towards Hermione, Ron and Harry. I sat next to Harry, rubbing my eyes. I'm too bloody tired nowadays.

"Come for refuge, I see?" Hermione giggled.

"Of course I have. I don't know what's worse about Hogwarts- Bulstrode's snoring or Zabini's incessant need to comment on everything he sees" I complain, Harry sending me looks of almost sympathy, but his amused smile gave him away.

"I wouldn't pay much attention to Blaise, he's so out of touch in the head that he fancies Pansy" Ron commented, making us erupt into giggles.

"Audrey?" Harry turned to me, "Do you know who that man is? In the trench coat? Ron said he's Mad Eye Moody, but have you met him?" He asked.

"He used to be an auror. They say half of Azkaban are there because of him." I say, Ron added to it.

"Yeah, but people say he's barking mad nowadays." He says, looking around very suspiciously. No wonder they get into the trouble they tell me about. 

Everybody soon starts to disappear, as does the food, signalling that dinner is over. There I stood, outside waiting for Dumbledore when Malfoy walked up to me.  He looked around before speaking, which I deemed suspicious.

"Would just like to say that even though I'm capable of making perfectly brewed potions, I appreciated the help in the lesson earlier." I was absolutely taken back. A Malfoy- showing gratitude? Never thought anybody would see the day.

"No problem, and I would like to say that although I'm perfectly capable of leaving you to do it yourself, I will help. And that I'm sorry for snapping earlier." I looked down, partially afraid to meet his eyes. I was never any good at apologies and it definitely showed every time I tried.

"Fantastic. And anyways, I'd like to ask you about the Room of Requirement." He put his hands in his pockets. At this point, it was just us standing beside the large doors, all the teachers and whatnot inside still. From the corner of my eye, I could see Moody eyeing us up before leaving through the door at the top of the hall.

"What about it? I haven't really thought about it to be honest." 

"I was going to suggest taking turns and whatnot, but it's whatever, I'm not all that fussed" Honestly, wasn't too sure on what to say.

"Well, you could tell me when you don't intend on using it and I'll use it if you would like." I suggested.

"I would take that advantage, but Dumbledore said that I must share, you see." What a snarky get. 

Just as I was about to reply, my father stepped out of the hall. This was a moment I can't fully describe. He seen us and his eyes flooded with what I can only describe as fear. It felt uneasy.

"We will talk more later. Antidotes won't make themselves." Malfoy said as he turned to head back to Snape's classroom.

"Not so fast, Mr Malfoy" Dumbledore said from the doorway of the hall. My father stepped closer to me, standing with me. "I'm sure Advanced Potions should be proven difficult without help. I informed Professor Snape that should you not like to accompany Miss Crouch to reacquaint herself with her old friends, you will have the rest of the evening off." Draco smirked and thanked him. "If you wish to do the latter, you need not meet us in the Hall in the west wing in a half hour."

Draco nodded, disappearing round a corner. The hall in the west wing?

"Now, Madam Maxine has requested that you change to civilian clothes. She wants you to change and go to the West Wing hall." He said to me gently. What was happening? I turned to go to the dorm as my father and him spoke in whispers as I left.

After about two left turns, I was scared out of my skeleton by Draco standing in a door way.

"What are you doing? You could have given me a heart attack!" I whisper-shouted.

"Scaring you. Maybe waiting for you to tell me what's going on." He said, laughing faintly. He touched my shoulder in an attempt to settle me.

"I'm assuming that she wants me to meet up with them. You can do whatever you want. If you came with me, you'd just be watching us take the piss, to be quite honest." I shrugged. I was kind of hoping he didn't come, because knowing them, they would want to dance for a while.

"Perhaps I will, see how much Dumbledore lied about when he said you have friends." He smirked at me, causing me to furrow my brows.

"Whatever." I laughed it off. We got to the common room and I soon changed into leggings and a hoodie- a staple attire for a person like myself. He sat in the common room as I came from the hallway.

"Art thou ready?" he turned at the sound of my voice.

"I guess" He stood, straightening his black jumper. He wore all black- did he think he was attending my funeral? Little did I know, he might as well have been.

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