Jeongguk - Chapter 37

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~Jeongguk's POV~

So far Christmas day had gone smoothly, Taehyung genuinely seemed happy to have his family here. His father had even stopped in to make a small chat. While they are ex's they don't act like it most of the time, in the same sense that most people would.

His siblings I couldn't get over how big they had gotten just from a little under a year ago. Last Christmas it was like they hadn't even reached the kid stage now they were huge.

Taehyung, his mother, and father had all left the area we had been in, my guess to discuss what exactly was going on. Normally we go to his mom's for the holidays and spend the week after with his father. So, naturally, his father pried for answers, one I wasn't ready to give him so Taehyung decided he would have a small chat with him and his mother.

I don't know how he will react; he has a very small understanding of those who choose to not have cubs or those who choose else wise. He was a pediatrician with high standards, he was a warm person sometimes but most of the time he was just collected and cool.

Taehyung reminds me of his father sometimes, especially when he first meets new people. He has this aura that most can't read.

"Taegi stop and listen to me." I hear his mother's voice slightly raised and panicked. "Taegi-ah stop!" A loud crash had Yoichi flying from the couch looking at me and his cubs.

"Rionnie, Sionnie come here!" I grinned at them holding my arms out and forcing myself to remain calm. I expected him to be upset but not violent, especially not with cubs around.

They run into my lap plopping themselves down, Rion playing with my ears and Sion playing with the buttons on my shirt.

'Stay out there, we are fine, we have it under control.'

That did nothing but reassure me, V was taking over which meant it couldn't be under control.

"Let me go! I'm not gonna do anything to Jeongguk!"

There was another loud crash making the two cubs in my lap, clutching onto me, and sniffle.

"Yah, it's okay just some loud noises. How about we watch some cartoons?"

They both looked up at me eyes wide and fearful. Rion more-so than Sion. I picked the remote up from the under the table, turning on the tv and putting a cartoon of some kind on, turning the volume up.

"Taegi, you're not going out there with my cubs until you calm down, now sit!" Yoichi's voice boomed over the cartoon, the two cub's head whipping towards the sound.

'Get them out of the apartment go to the playground.'

"Let's go play on the playground instead!" I shut the TV off and they both give me skeptical looks, but do as they are told.

After what felt like forever, I finally get them both bundled up in their new coats, boots, gloves, hats, and scarves. Almost forgetting myself and then grab my set of keys and go down to the car, opening it just in time to see Yoichi and V racing after Taegi who was barreling down the sidewalk.

"In, get in the car okay?" I try to keep my voice steady and even watching V finally grab the back of Taegi's shirt. Once the cubs were in the car, I started it up, buckling myself in shakily watching the scene before me.

He was in feral mode, eyes wide, and full of rage. I ignore the sinking in my stomach and take off heading towards the local park where there was a rather large playground for kids.

"Why is that man mad?" Sion speaks quietly, eyes still just as wide as before.

"He is just having a bad day, don't worry okay? Appa, Eomma, and Oppa are gonna fix the problem." I give her a beaming smile even though my insides feel like they are tearing apart, wanting to leave my body.

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