Minnie - Chapter 39

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~Minnie's POV~

The next morning I was woke by an overly excited Hoseok telling me to hurry and get dressed. He had hired a moving company somehow for today just knowing for sure that I would say yes to a house. Namjoon had told him I would, and he called Christmas Eve to have it set up.

However, I was not told that today he had even more surprises lined up for the ass crack of dawn when we had not gotten much sleep the night before.

"Baby, time to get up." He teased stroking his fingers down my arm when he came back in the room, freshly showered, dried, and dressed. "I even put your favorite hoodie on the warming rack." He wriggled his brows leaning over and kissing me softly on the forehead.

"But it's so early, I wanna snuggle more." I gave him my best pout and he sighs grinning still. "So sunny even at fucking six in the morning and around three hours of sleep." I tried to pull the blanket over my head but it was ripped from the bed entirely and I scowled giving him a death stare.

"Oh stop your grumping and get your ass out of this bed." He looked at me, mischievous look behind those almond-colored orbs of him. "If I remember right, you're the one who caused us to get no sleep, Chim. You insisted on us playing hide and seek until midnight even after I had said we needed to be up early."

"I didn't see you complaining when your co...yah!" I squealed when he scooped me up, tossing me over his shoulder, and giving a playful smack to my ass.

"Such crude language coming from you today and so early too." I giggled, feeling suddenly just as mischievous as he did. I reached down grabbing a handful of his ass cheek and went into a fit of giggles when he let out a surprised yelp.

"Yah! Jimin-ah!" I giggled more when he finally set me down, stripping me quickly of my clothes. "I even set up the bath for you and that is how you say thank you?" I nod, beaming at him proudly. It was hard to make him flustered like this, let alone catch him off guard with things like that.

"You're being a brat today." He chides but I know it is all teasing, just fun, and games with him. He could care less, what I act like most days. If anything he finds humor in my constant stubbornness.

"I'm your brat so get used to it." I sink into the water, groaning in satisfaction when it soaks into my muscles, making me even more tired. "Thank you Hobi."

He hums sitting on the edge of the tub, taking the detachable head and turning the warm water back on. "I love it when you wash my hair." I look at him for a moment before closing my eyes again and letting him wet my hair.

"I love taking care of you like this." I can see and feel the difference now when it's my Hoseok, my Hobi out, and not Jhope. Hoseok is sweet, gentle, caring, playful, loving. His voice is soft and warm, boisterous when he is excited, laughs so loud it echoes in the tiniest and largest of rooms. I don't feel on edge with him, I feel safe, loved, home.

"Still thinking about Jhope?" I sigh looking at him when he finally stops cleansing my hair of the shampoo that is left over.

"Not so much about him, but seeing the difference now when you are here, and when he is." He gives me a tight smile, grabbing the loofa and beginning to rub me down with a vanilla-scented soap.

"Stand up Baby." I loved the pet names that I used to despise. I love hearing him call me Baby, Pretty Boy, Mochi, but most of all I love the way he says, Chim. He holds such adoration in his voice for it.

"Alright rinse and then I will help dry your ears, tail, and hair."

I hum doing as he says, pulling the plug, and stepping out onto the matt next to the tub. I grab the towels off the warming rack and shiver when a cold chill races up my spine.

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