Jeongguk - Chapter 17

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~Jeongguk's POV~

Over and over I paced across and around the grey carpet that was soft and yet coarse under my bare feet. My head was spinning and flooding with nerves. I just told him I am pregnant; how could I spring that on him? He is dealing with his own shit and I just selfishly used it to what? Shock him into next week?

'You did it to give him a reason for your stupidity. You know getting pissed off over him saying and feeling he should have died too. You know it was not how you took it, yet you allowed it to fuel anger towards him. Not fair cub at all.'

I sat down again holding my face in my hands, tears spilling over once more. I hated this, I hated fighting with him. We never fight and if we do, it's usually such a simple fix. I just am so angry at everything right now. Angry at him for shutting me out, angry at Jhope for trying to kill Bummie, angry at this nestle of cells in me fucking everything up for us.

'This is what happens, you know even with pills and medication pregnancy is alwa-'

'No this is what happens when you and V seem to forget that while you want more, Taehyung has JUST come to the idea of wanting a fucking family. We're supposed to be a team JK, not rivals!'

I shut him out too, ignoring the clawing and whimpers for forgiveness. I have nothing to give out for it anymore, my fuck's have run dry. Taehyung had a hard life, he had a torn family, he was a miracle cub, and then tragedy struck before I met him.

His stepmom and his then two 12-year-old siblings were in the car with him. He was driving, and out of nowhere a truck crossed the middle lane and hit them head on going over sixty miles an hour.

He was lucky to have barely any damage, his stepmom and siblings were not that lucky. He blames himself for dragging himself out of the road but not going back to save them before the car exploded.

His father and his mother both have told him that it was not his fault there was nothing he could have done. The medics believe they were dead before the explosion happened but every so often that memory plays in his head. Leaves him crying out and fighting against himself in his sleep.

"Kook?" I sighed and stood back up walking over to the door. Yoongi was standing there with a frown on his already irritated looking face. "You know you can't just shut him out like that. Hoseok would-"

"Hoseok would what exactly? Yell at me? Tell me how stupid I'm being?"

I sigh when he goes to begin again, attempting to slam the door shut in his face only to have a large hand prevent me from doing so. I scowl at the hand and it is quickly washed away when I see that it is Taehyung standing there looking so distraughtly at me.

"There I did my part now can I just go see my mate?" Yoongi grumbles when Taehyung moves in front of him fully, and suddenly all that anger I felt melts away, replacing itself with guilt and need.

"No, Taehyung needs to leave." I shove any remorse I felt deep down in a dark pit but one look at him again has me caving. I whine like a petulant child as Yoongi makes his way back down the hall, leaving me there alone with Taehyung.

"Are you pregnant or do you think you are?" His voice is chilling, not in the sense I fear him, but I fear breaking him. Taehyung acts so casual and cool for everyone but me. It takes one change in his tone and I know everything I need to about him in that exact moment.

"I think I'm pregnant. I-I can't tell right now but JK thinks so too." I cave fully mumbling a half-hearted response. "I-I, Taehyung!" He swoops me into his arms, holding onto me so tightly I fear he is going to crush me.

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