Yoongi - Chapter 9 (M)

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~Yoongi's POV~

He was a tease, constantly but it left me craving more of him. He had been holding out and I didn't understand why. Even now, he was still holding back I just wanted him to fuck me. I was his, I was wooed, for god's sake I just admitted I loved him and he still is denying me this.

"I can feel you, I know you want me, so take me." I mumbled and my lips part with a soft gasp as he brushes down against me again, his hands still staying in neutral zones. My hips, my arms, my face, everywhere but where I wanted and needed him.

"Are you sure you want that?" He mumbles, his lips lazily pressing to mine, dragging my lower lip out with his teeth and letting go.

"Yes. Felix, why are you stalling still? Fuck me!" I pant and he groans pulling away from me and looking down into my eyes. "Why do you not want me? Is there something wrong with me? Are you not attracted to me like that?" I felt self-conscious, to begin with, and this was making it worse.

"No Yoongi, Kitten it's not that trust me. Can't you tell how much you turn me on?" He motions down towards his groin with his eyes with a not so confident smirk.

"Felix, stop trying to change the subject and tell me what's going on? Why won't you fuck me? I want you, this isn't you forcing me to do this. I'm ready, I've been ready you've won, you wooed me so what's the problem...are you not ready to do it again?"

"You being forward like this is so different than my normal, shy, easily flustered mate, where has he gone?" He chuckles softly and cups my cheek. I push him off me sitting up and sighing running a hand through my messy hair.

I was sexually frustrated, I never thought I would ever feel that way. I always imagined when I found someone, they would just use me, but it would seem I found one who doesn't want to use me at all. He is too focused on the sappy stuff, the dates, the gifts, I just want sex!

"Yoongi, I'm just nervous, I guess. The only time we have fooled around was the night we mated and I just...I guess wasn't sure if you were ready. I'm ready, I just don't want you to think I want you just for your body still."

It was touching, heartfelt, he was baring his heart to me openly unlike myself. He loved me so boldly, without care most days no matter my sudden mood swings, no matter the jealousy over Minnie.

"Don't be okay? Lixie, I know you don't want me just for my body now. I knew it that night too, no alpha who wanted just sex would ever put my pleasure above their own now would they?" I give him a small smile, my hand placed on top of his. "Good alphas don't cook for their mates, or make the bed, or coddle them when they're feeling prickly. They tell them to get over it."

He sighs. sits up fully, and I take the opportunity to climb back over to him, throw my leg over his hips.

"Should I pleasure you instead this time, to show you just how good of an alpha you've been?" I murmur and he gulps rather loudly, and my confidence grows feeling him shiver beneath me. Even for being an alpha, he was much more submissive compared to Hoseok or even Namjoon in his moments.

"I-If you want, b-but you d-don't uh have to." I chuckle under my breath seeing him so flustered and worked up was funnier than I imagined. I typically am sheepish when it comes to him, needy, whiny, but right now I was in control.

"I do want you, and I do want to, but you have to behave." I giggle and push him back, unbuttoning the front of his shirt and running my hands up and over the tensing muscles of his abdomen up to his chest. "Why must you be so tantalizing like this?" I murmur, doing it again, feeling them tense beneath my fingers again.

"Mmmm where to put my teeth first?" I paint kisses across his chest, my teeth following in sweet adorning love bites, each one more purple than the last. "Are you gonna let me have my way?" He nods, locking eyes with mine, and clenches onto the bedding below him. "Good Daddy, Kitten wants to play."

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