Minnie - Chapter 7

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~Minnie's POV~

As much as I hate to admit it, it felt nice being back in his arms again. He had dozed off while absentmindedly running his fingers up and down my spine. I also hate to admit Minhee was right, I feel better than I have in weeks. I wasn't sick but I wasn't myself either. It scared me when every time I tried to talk to him the link was just dead, nothing but radio silence.

I didn't have to want anymore, I didn't have to deny myself anymore, he was here, I was here. So utterly warm underneath me, relishing in his warmth radiating throughout me again.

'See I told you, this is what you and he need. You both need each other, stop denying it, you are not protecting him by running.'

Like always Jimin was right, always right and I always fight him.

'Maybe I should just stop fighting you and give in.'

'Good plan does that mean I get to play with my alpha more? I really need a good fu-'

I shake my head shoving him in the back again and ignore the heat gathering on my cheeks to my ears. I snuggle my face back into his chest grunting when he shifts slightly, and his hand comes up to my ear tugging on it gently.

"Did you have a nice nap?" I mumble and look up at him, my breath hitching in my throat when I catch his eyes with mine. I forgot how much I loved them. The almond orbs drawing me and keeping me locked there.

"I did but I see you need something what is it?" He murmurs, his hand cupping my cheek and I lean into it humming at the skin to skin contact. "Why did you not just tell me hm? If you need anything tell me Jimin." He lifts on the orange hoodie, hooking his fingers under the shirt too, taking them off leaving my chest bare and exposed to the chilly air.

"You were sleeping so peacefully; I can tell you haven't slept well in weeks." I whisper suddenly feeling shameful, guilt replacing the warm fuzzy feelings from before. I didn't do what I did to hurt him, or anyone for that matter I wanted to keep him safe, to keep everyone safe.

"I will sleep better knowing you are content. I will not tell you not to feel guilty, you should. I went through hell Jimin, and I swear if you try that stunt again, you will not like the consequences." He made me feel smaller than I am, but it didn't hurt I deserved that much of a reprimand, if he was an asshole alpha I can't imagine the beating I would have got, pregnant or not.

He makes me move off him so he can rip his shirt off then pulls me back down. All thoughts from before gone the second my skin touched his, my eyes glowing a bright yellow and matching his glowing midnight blue.

It was healing, it was perfect, debauched pleasure spiraling into a pooling warmth again. The feel of his hands against the bare skin of my back and shoulders, stroking and rubbing in all the right ways. The featherlight brush of his fingers tips, making me shiver in delight.

I press soft kisses and glide my tongue across his skin, and an almost purr like sound comes from the back of his throat and his eyes crack to look at me again.

"What are you doing hm?" I giggle and come up planting a kiss on the corner of his mouth, squealing when his stroking turns into tickling. "Must you always have me in such confusion, teasing little Vixen you are?"

My eyes widen when his eyes stop glowing and instead dark blue replaces the warmness with a cool, hard, and icy gaze.

"No, you don't get to do this right now." I sit up only to be forced back down; my jaw roughly yanked forward to look him in the eyes again. "Let me the fuck go." I snarl refusing to back down to him.

~ Book Two ~ Losing What's BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now