Speed running to His Heart

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As Georges Minecraft character sits silently waiting for more people to join the stream, he messages Sapnap and Dream asking if they wanted to join a discord while he streams.

George: Hey guys just wanted to let you know I'm streaming rn if you want to come and join the discord! I'll be speedrunning just for fun.

Sapnap: Bet! I'll be right there! Never want to miss out on the opportunity to watch you fail. : )

George: Shut up!

Dream: Ya I can probably come for a little, but I might be a little distracted, I have some editing I need to do.

George: Ya that's totally fine, if you have to leave during it you can too!

Dream: I wouldn't leave! ; )

I shut my phone off with a smile on my face. I prefer to stream with my friends it's normally more fun and less awkward than being by yourself. I look at the time and I realized I had already been streaming for 5 minutes. "Well, time to start the stream," I mumble to myself. I turned on my mic and camera giving off a big smile as I welcomed my fans to the stream.

"Hey guys, welcome back to the stream I hope everyone's day has been good! Today we are going to be speedrunning! I also have Sapnap and Dream on discord too. I am 100% sure I'm going to beat the ender dragon today. I'm going to get a record time!" I bragged on about how I was so good at Minecraft and when I finally enter the discord I hear laughs and wheezes coming from no other than Dream and Sapnap. " What's so funny you idiots?" I asked annoyed knowing what they are going to say.

"Let's be honest here George, you're going to die of the stupidest things, you're probably going to die from like a pig or something," Sapnap said confidently and in an annoying tone. Dream let out a small laugh at Sapnaps joke. My only option was to carry on the conversation with another trash talk.

"What, do you think you're better than me?"

" I don't think, I know," Sapnap said with determination to prove he was right.

" Oh come one sap I've seen you speedrun you're no better than him!" Dream commented in with a light wheeze after his statement.

"Haha so funny your no better than me either," Sapnap said somewhat annoyed.

"You really want to pull that card? Dream holds the record for the fastest  speed run you idiot." Almost seemed as if I bragged as if it was my own accomplishment. 

"Whatever you say, George. Come on let's get started time to see you fail." Sapnap said somewhat eagerly. Let's just say Sapnap was right, I died... a lot, and each time Sapnaps laugh grew louder and louder. But I just rolled my eyes and continued on. The donos were pretty chill today, I had some people tell me about their day and all the things they love about me. It was sweet. Some were mildly inappropriate most of them I ignored, some I didn't. When I read them I would make an awkward face as I read them aloud brushing of the fact I was getting hit on. Sapnap being his cocky and flirtatious self would make a lot of side comments during my stream, while dream stayed quiet for a lot of it. I knew he was editing, but about two hours in I got another dono reading 'Dreamnotfound'. This one I read out loud not thinking before I spoke. I internally rolled my eyes knowing that's all the chats going to talk about, and so is Sapnap. But for this one Dream started talking too.

"I ship it," Sapnap said with a small giggle after. Dream laughed along a little as well and so did I. After a few seconds Dream commented in as well.

"Hmm, George your not denying it?" He asked teasingly.

"Seriously Dream your playing along with this too?" This time I really did roll my eyes as I tried to skip over the conversation to something else but Dream brought it up again.

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