Nice Old Lady

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George POV

I woke up on Christmas morning and got straight to work on the apartment. My Mom was coming over and I had a lot of stuff to do today. I had to clean, cook, and pack for the trip Tomorrow. I was really nervous to see Dream again but the busy day today would be nice.

I took a quick shower and got dressed. It was 10 AM here and my Mom was coming around 2. I had gotten the grocery's and food I needed a few days ago. I decided to clean first which would take a while due to me neglecting my home recently. I decided to do a deep clean and got to work.

I started in the kitchen wiping off the counters and disposing all of the trash. I even cleaned the tiles that were on the wall. After I finished in the kitchen I cleaned the living room then the dinning room before working my way to the bathroom and bedroom. It was now around 12:30 and I decided it was time to cook. 

I put the ham in the oven and started making mashed potatoes. I peeled the potatoes then boiled them. I also made boxed mac and cheese as another side. I really started to like cooking again so this was nice. When the potatoes where done boiling I mushed them up and put seasoning in it. After that I put it in the oven to keep it warm. By now the mac and cheese was boiling and the ham was almost done. During this time I made a bagged Caesar salad and put it in the fridge. 

We would not eat until later but I would prefer to spend this time with my mom. We always spent Christmas day together. It was something we did even when I left for school. We had a tradition to only get one gift for each other. She was always so generous with me even when we had little money. She worked extremely hard to keep us a float and to keep me happy. I could never repay her for what she did for me. Even now she works really hard. And I knew exactly what to get her. It would take some convincing for her to take it, but she needed it. She deserved it.

After the food was all made I put it in the oven on warm and had about a half an hour before she would get here. I decided to set the table and watch some TV before she got here. I waited about another 20 minutes before I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey Mom" I pulled her into a hug and she smiled at me.

"Hi honey, how have you been?" She asks walking into the house and sitting on the couch. She visited here at least twice a month and I went to her house a lot too. It's kind of sad, but she is really the only friend I have here.

"I've been doing ok. I have some news." I decided to tell her about the trip to Florida. She knows all about Dream and what been going on. I told her a few weeks after he stopped talking to me and she really helped me get through it. I was really grateful for her and she was one of my best friends. She was great Mom and always supportive of what I wanted to do.

"Oh what is it?" She asked patting the couch for me to come sit down next to her.

"Well tomorrow I'm flying to Florida to visit Dream." She looked a little shocked but let me explain it to her. I told her about the conversation with Sapnap yesterday and she sat listening to what I was saying.

"Well I'm fine with whatever you do. But make sure visiting him is what's best for you." She smiled at me and I nodded. She was right, I had to make sure I was 100% sure. I know going there could be the end of us, but I could get closure. And maybe an explanation. I don't know if that would help anything because that's not what I really needed. I needed Dream.

After talking for a while it was now 4 and we decided to eat. I put the food on the table and dug in. My appetite was getting a lot better and I was able to eat full meals again. My Mom always praised me for my cooking. It made me a little flustered at times, but I was glad she enjoyed it. Not to brag but I think it was really good. 

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