Pandas spelled backwards is Sadnap :(

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Georges POV

As I woke up to the guy I loved, whom I almost fucked last night, and had a meaningful conversation with, I wanted him this morning even more than last. I watched him lay sleepily for the next few moments. He laid on his back with one leg pulled close near his crotch. Without thought I grabbed his inner thigh, wanting him really bad. Dream startled up and smiled feeling George's hand where it was letting out a small groan. Dream sat staring at the ceiling very aware of where George's hand was on him. He didn't mind remembering that he still wanted George, but he wanted to wait until he could have all of him. The real him.

I got out of bed first greeted by my mother in the living room. I didn't realize she stayed the whole night. I got flustered wondering if she could hear what went on last night. Soon realizing nothing truly happened other than a few minutes of passionate kissing. "Hey mom, how was your sleep." She smiled at me. I looked somewhat confused.

"I slept peacefully thank you. You look a lot better than yesterday morning." She said nicely. He realized he had spent the last 24 hours or so talking, cuddling, and occasionally making out with Dream. He blushed at the thought.

"Yeah, I feel a lot better having Dream around really helped," I admitted to my mom.

"Oh.... so are you two you know together?" I was to old to act embarrassed so I was honest with her.

"Yeah, I think so. It's pretty new. He was part of the reason I had my break down. But... when he got hear I just felt so much better he just makes me so happy. I've loved him forever I just-" George saw Dream listening in on the conversation. I blushed as I looked at him. I just told my mom I loved him. But did Dream know? Dream just looked at me with a smile for a second before speaking up.

"Hey, Sapnap is really worried about us. We kind of just fell off the grid, I think we should talk to him."

"Yeah, your right. Let's maybe talk to him." I walked back into the room as Dream gave me a smirk.

"What? Why are you smirking?" I asked truly unaware.

"You said you have loved me forever." He said somewhat teasingly but serious at the same time. Like he really wanted me to mean it. And I did.

"Of course I did, Dream I have loved you for years-" Sapnap interrupted as he entered on the discord chat. No one spoke for a  few seconds which felt longer, tell Dream broke the silence.

Sapnaps POV

I was worried and pissed of at these two right now. Out of no where at 5 in the morning Dream asked to go on discord. I had been trying to get a hold of both of them for the past day or so. I felt betrayed in the fact they kept leaving me on open, and worried that something was truly wrong. As I entered the discord I heard silence until Dream broke it with a calm, "Hey!"

I was so confused because it said that George was on and not Dream as he was offline. I realized what was going on seconds after hearing his voice.

"You went without me." Sapnap sounded hurt in his words as he was. He didn't understand why he didn't even get notified that Dream was flying out there at all. He was even more upset to the fact that his two best friends left him hanging for the past day and a half doing god knows what. I held in my anger... mostly and asked "what the fuck is going on?!"

George sighed." We had a problem. Then another. Then a bigger one. And I was really upset so Dream flew out to help me." George didn't really know how else to word it as he was unsure on how much Dream wanted to say. Then Dream being his utterly annoying yet cute self let it out.

" Yeah, and now me and George are kind of dating I guess." I was shocked by the words coming out of his voice.

"What the fuck." I blurted out. I felt Dream and Georges silence as a shock or betrayal and I immediately retracted that sentence. "No I don't mean it like that I'm just kind of shocked you know, it al happened really fast. " I support you, don't get me wrong. I just... neither of you ever talked to me about this. I just kind of feel left out you know... Sorry, I'm making this about me. I'm happy for you guys!"

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