My Love

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Georges pov

When I say I love him I don't mean a friendly love or a fling. I mean I want to spend the rest of my life with him type of love, marry him type of love, engrave my body into his heart and soul type of love. My emotions are a wreck it took more years to figure out I loved him. I dated both guys and girls during this time, but none of them filled my heart the way Dream does and I don't even have him. I want to go through the stages of grieve after a break-up I want him out of my mind for fucks sake. But he is all I think about.

I learned to hide my emotions and that shit hurt. When I first realized my feelings towards Dream I struggled with that fact. It seemed surreal. Most people don't fall in love with their straight best friends. But for some reason I did. And his friendly flirts didn't help either. Or at least I thought they were friendly. No he doesn't see you that way George. I stopped myself before I continued down that road. I went on to Tiktok to shake my mind from him but it didn't help that I saw him all over my fyp. I put my phone down and forced myself to sleep.


I woke up the next day feeling a little better about my self. I pulled myself out of bed to see a text from Dream asking if he wanted to do Karl's stream today. I told him I didn't want to but he continued to beg. At one point I gave in from being tired of arguing. But the reality is I just wanted to see him beg. It's somewhat comforting to see him beg it shows he cares, I guess that's just what I need. I spent the day on my phone checking social media replying to tweets. The time had past to around 8 o'clock where I am and Dream asked to call. I took a deep breath and answered.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing much I just wanted to make sure you slept well last night, you seemed really out of it." He asked caringly. I let out a small playful giggle causing me to become embarrassed and my cheeks to turn bright red like they always do with him.

"Oh, ya I slept really well thanks for asking," I said wanting to tell him everything in this moment for some reason more than ever. 'God your hot.' I thought I said in my mind, but I heard Dream get somewhat flustered from my words. 'Fuck' I thought to myself. How the hell am I supposed to save this.

"Wh-what" Dream said still caught of guard barely able to send the words out of his mouth. What do I do what do I do George thought to himself. Do I confess my love, no no do I tell him I want him to fuck me, eh maybe, no not now we are 'homies' George looks in disgust as the use of those words came out of his mouth, he wanted more.

"My soup. I spilt it its hot." Nice recovery I thought to myself hopefully he plays along.

"Oh uh" He clears his throat. "I thought you said something else." His voice still nervous. Did I fuck us up. I need to know.

" What did you think I said?" I tried saying in a silly tone but it ended up coming out as more of a demand.

Dreams pov

What the fuck just happened. My heart is literally beating so fast it's going to explode. No joke. Did he just say I was hot. Holy shit my dreams come true if he did. God maybe I'm just hearing things. Right I need to respond. 

"Never mind, it was stupid I'm just deaf I suppose," I said trying to end the conversation there, I prayed George didn't continue on.

"What did you think I said?" He seemed eager and wanted the answer. I gave into telling him I mean how could I not. I would give him whatever he asked for. God I'm such a simp.

"It's stupid, but I just thought you said I was hot...." I regretted saying it right when the words trickled out of my mouth. But I can't stop to think did he? He whispered it as if saying it was like all he ever wanted but a punishment would come. It's hard to explain. But I just need to put it behind me and behave for Karl's stream not being to awkward but not being over the top either. God I knew this would be hard all I wanted was George and now I had a false hope that pushed my need for him deeper and deeper like a blade to the heart.

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