Going Home

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Dream POV

I just fucked everything up. Why would I do that? I got caught in the moment and he is so upset. I just kissed him and walked out. I didn't even let him speak. He told me how much I meant to him and how he was feeling and my first thought was to kiss him? I'm so stupid. I have hurt him more than I ever did in the past few months. I still believe I'm bad for him, but no matter what I do I hurt him. And all I want is for him to be happy. 

"Sapnap? Sapnap please wake up." I shook Sapnap slightly, and he groaned a little before turning to face me.

"Dream? What's wrong?" He was a little groggy but I needed to talk to him.

"Sapnap, I messed things up again."

"What happened."

" I decided to stream like maybe two hours ago and then I woke up George so now people know he is here and he hung out on the stream for a while-"

"Wait people know George is here?" I nodded my head.

"Ya but that's not the worst part. After the stream ended we sat down and talked and he was telling me why he was leaving and about his feelings, and then well I- I kissed him." I ranted on but the last part still didn't seem real yet.

"Well what's wrong with that?" 

"Sapnap?! Everything is wrong with that?" 

"Like what?" I thought about it. To me everything about it was wrong. I kissed him when I shouldn't of. That just ruined everything.

"I kissed him Sap."

"Well did he pull away, did he get angry at you?"

"No, I ran away. I didn't give him time to respond." I sighed and laid down next to him. A part of me wants to know what he felt. Was he mad? At first he didn't kiss back. But right before I pulled away he did. I just don't understand.

"Dream, you need to talk to him again. You guys got somewhere tonight. You need to keep going before he leaves. You need to convince him not to leave."

"How do I do that? He doesn't even like me anymore."

"God you're so naïve." I didn't respond and just sat for a moment. I was trying to go back to bed, but I couldn't. Sapnap seemed to be up too.

"Why'd you do it? Why did you ghost George?" Sapnap spoke up and I wasn't sure what to say? I knew why, but I didn't really know how to put it into words.

"I let him go because I caused him pain in  this world, and I couldn't bare to stay and watch him crumble apart."


I woke up around 8 AM to Sapnap jumping on top of me. He did this yesterday and if he did it again I told him I would murder him.

"Sapnap, I swear to god get you ass back in here!"

"Language!" I heard Bad call from downstairs. I forgot he was here and decided to go see him.

"Bad, how are you?" I walk downstairs and am greeted by a hug. I gracefully accept and hug him back.

"I'm doing great. I'm making homemade muffins for breakfast which should be ready in about 10 minutes. How are you?"

"I'm ok I suppose" I give him a soft smile and he gives me one too.

"Do you know where George is? We fell asleep last night, but I'm not sure where he is?"

"Ya I think I do. Probably in my office." He most likely went to sleep there. Contemplating weather to book an earlier flight or not.

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