The Night Changes

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There is smut in this chapter!!!

They sat laying together trying to absorb all the love they could get from one another. Trying to put away the fact that Dream was leaving in a few days, and who knew how long it would be tell they could hold one another again.

George and Dream laid on the couch for hours. They didn't sleep as they didn't want to lose any moment they would have together. They knew the next few days would fly by faster than any other, so they treated it like the end of the world.

Dreams POV

The boy laid in my arms for hours that day. I didn't mind though. We cuddled silently watching a movie just enjoying each others presence. It was around 6 o'clock when the movie ended and we decided to get up and eat.

"What would you like for dinner?" He asked me stretching his arms and legs.

"Well what do we have. We can make something if you would like. I'm a great chef." I said smiley. I sat up putting my arm around him.

"Well I don't have a lot here but we can check. Come on lets go." George sat up and walked into the kitchen holding my hand as I followed behind. We looked into the small pantry to reveal a few snacks and some boxed foods.

"Here we have noodles and marinara sauce. We can make spaghetti, and I could make some homemade garlic bread as well. Does that sound good to you?" He nodded his head and helped pull out all the ingredients I needed.

"Do you need any help? I might not be a great chef but I could help." He said trying to be nice, but I could tell he wasn't that interested in cooking.

"No I'm ok. My treat." I smiled at him before continuing my cooking.

"Well I'll just sit here and talk to you then. Is that ok?"

That's perfect." I hugged him before going back to my cooking.

They two boys talked for the next few minutes before dinner was ready and they sat down to eat. George had set the table and put a candle in the middle. It was a stressful day for both of them so a date night would be nice. They sat and talked about different ideas for their channels and how George would stream over the next few days to keep the suspicion off of them. They had fallen off the grid and didn't want to seem more suspicious then they already were. 

George POV

"That was really good Dream. I didn't realize how much a chef you were! You would make a great wife." I joked.

"Oh my god shut up. If anyone would be the wife it would be you idiot." Dream said in a playful but serious way. "I am more manly than you." He said. I laughed at his remark knowing he was probably right. But I felt like being tough in the moment.

"Ya right" I said in a deep and manly voice.

"Wanna put that to the test." Dream smirked at George before getting up George got up too. The only thing in-between the two was the table. They ran around the table before George made a run for the bathroom just barley making it in before closing the door on Dreams face.

"Oh Georgie poo let me innnn!" Dream said tauntingly. I blushed at the nickname. It always got me.

"No. Not tell you promise to not tackle me." I said needy. 

"Mmhmm. Fine I promise I wont tackle you." Dream said whining a little before agreeing. I smiled and took my time going back to the door.

"Ok I'm coming out." I slowly unlocked the door and Dream backed away. I was upset for a moment. I wanted to play fight. A few seconds later Dream tackled me down onto the bed taking me by surprise.

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