The One With The Runaways: Part 2

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Once Astraea was sure that Filch is gone, she went out to see Peeves floating there laughing.

"I can't thank you enough Peeves", she told him smiling.

"Riri can thank Peevesey by letting him call her Riri", he smirked.

"You already call me that", she laughed.

"But you get annoyed and started scolding"

"Alright you can call me Riri", she laughed.

"And Riri has to call me Peevesey"

"Alright Peevesey"

After that, she left to go to her common room; if only it was that easy. On her way, she was encountered by none other than Minnie herself glaring at her.

"Miss Black", she frowned.

"Hello Minnie", she smiled innocently. "Merry Christmas'

"Enough with that act", she scolded. "I am very disappointed"

"Yeah I know", Astraea muttered. "But, are you surprised?"

"No", Minnie sighed.

"Lighten up Minnie", she smiled cheekily.

"Oh God! I can't", McGonagall said. "Just like your father, the same attitude, the same choice of words! You may look like your mother, but truly you act like your father"

McGonagall noticed Astraea's frown.

"Dear", she started, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I didn't mean-"

"No that's okay", Astraea interrupted. "I bet they already have a cell in Azkaban with my name on it"

"No, that's not what I meant at all"


"I know all you hear about your father is how he is cruel and a psychopath, but believe me dear, your father was one of my best students when he was at Hogwarts. He was kind and mischievous just like you. I see a lot of Sirius in you and I sometimes feel nostalgic for those days. I just hope you make the right choices."

Astraea nodded, "Thank you Minnie for being the only person to ever tell me something good about my father".

"Not a problem", Minnie smiled.

Astraea tried to move past her but the grip tightened on her shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Minnie asked

"Dorm?" she replied innocently.

"You have detention Black and five points will be deducted from Gryffindor"

"Please tell me detention with you", Astraea pleaded following Minnie 

"It would have been if you three didn't make the staff run after you the whole castle", she gave her a pointed look. "Now it is with Filch"

"I know this is supposed to make me regret my choice, but it was so worth it. The look of Quirrell's face", she started laughing again.

"Just go inside"

Once inside, she saw the twins and Filch waiting for her in the trophies room.

"Oh I guess we are cleaning trophies this time", she said.

"Unbelievable", muttered Filch. "Just like-"

"My father?" she cut him off. "Thanks! I get that a lot"

"Clean the trophies, NO MAGIC!" he barked and left.

The trio looked at each other and burst into laughing.

"Oh Fred! How long did you make Snape run the Quidditch stadium?" she asked him.

"For good ten minutes", he replied which made them double with laughter.

"What happened with you George? I just saw on the map that you were caught"

"At first it was Filch after me, then after running around I saw McGonagall standing and she used a spell to freeze me", George replied.

"Badass", Astraea muttered.

"What about you?"

"I hid in a classroom and Peevesey found me, then Filch came and Peevesey covered for me", she smirked.

"Peevesey?", they both asked.

"Oh yes, it was an agreement; he covered for me, but he gets to call me Riri and I call him Peevesey", she laughed.

"Wicked", they both said laughing.

"But, then I left and bumped into Minnie, she said I may look like my mother, but inside I'm all my father", she smiled.

"Regrets?" George asked.

They all stared at each other then said simultaneously, "Naaahh"

Then laughed again. 



634 words

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