The One With Valentine's Day

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The sun had now begun to shine weakly on Hogwarts again. Inside the castle, the mood had grown more hopeful. There had been no more attacks since those on Justin and Nearly Headless Nick, and Poppy was pleased to report that the Mandrakes were becoming moody and secretive, meaning that they were fast leaving childhood.

"The moment their acne clears up, they'll be ready for repotting again," Astraea heard her telling Filch kindly one afternoon, she happened being there for some Sleeping Draught. "And after that, it won't be long until we're cutting them up and stewing them. You'll have Mrs. Norris back in no time."

Ever since Ginny threw away Astraea's diary, Astraea was having more trouble. Emptiness filled her heart, she missed Tom like hell and it was more depressing that Valentine's day is closing in.

Gilderoy Lockhart decided to take it upon himself to boost everyone's morals. His idea of a morale-booster became clear at breakfast time on February fourteenth. Astraea was seated in the Great Hall glaring at Lockhart and his stupid decorations.

The walls were all covered with large, lurid pink flowers. Worse still, heart-shaped confetti was falling from the pale blue ceiling. Lockhart, wearing lurid pink robes to match the decorations, was waving for silence. The teachers on either side of him were looking stony-faced. From where he sat, a muscle could be seen going in Minnie's cheek. Snape looked as though someone had just fed him a large beaker of Skele-Gro.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Lockhart shouted. "And may I thank the forty-six people who have so far sent me cards! Yes, I have taken the liberty of arranging this little surprise for you all — and it doesn't end here!"

Lockhart clapped his hands and through the doors to the entrance hall marched a dozen surly-looking dwarfs. Not just any dwarfs, however. Lockhart had them all wearing golden wings and carrying harps.

"My friendly, card-carrying cupids!" beamed Lockhart. "They will be roving around the school today delivering your valentines! And the fun doesn't stop here! I'm sure my colleagues will want to enter into the spirit of the occasion! Why not ask Professor Snape to show you how to whip up a Love Potion! And while you're at it, Professor Flitwick knows more about Entrancing Enchantments than any wizard I've ever met, the sly old dog!"

"Okay I'm done here", Astraea said and left the Great Hall.

All day long, the dwarfs kept barging into their classes to deliver valentines, to the annoyance of the teachers. To her surprise, Astraea got a dozen.

'Her red hair burns

like the rays of the sun

I see her and I am lit

For she is beautiful beyond compare,

the girl with blue eyes 

and fire for hair'


'You are my star

my stargazer too

I wish I was heaven

With billion eyes to look at you'

These two poems were her favorite since they actually describe her. She knew who they are from. For the person may have not signed his name, but she knows him too well to recognize his handwriting.

On the afternoon, Astraea was going to class when she heard one of the dwarfs sing and she followed the noise. She saw a dwarf sitting on top of Harry singing loudly.

"Off you go, off you go, the bell rang five minutes ago, off to class, now," Percy said, shooing some of the younger students away. "And you, Malfoy —"Astraea saw Malfoy stoop and snatch up something.

Leering, he showed it to Crabbe and Goyle, and Astraea realized that he'd got her diary.

"Give that back," said Harry quietly.

"Wonder what Potter's written in this?" said Malfoy, who obviously hadn't noticed the year on the cover and thought he had Harry's own diary .A hush fell over the onlookers. Astraea was staring from the diary to Harry, looking excited and relieved. She just have to get her diary back.

Unfortunately for Astraea, Harry kept the diary really close to him and she didn't get a chance to get it from him. Until Easter break came and Harry left for the Quidditch practice. She morphed into one of the boys and entered Harry's dorm. At first, she thought about not leaving a trace, but then she realized she didn't have time so she rummaged though everything.

She pulled out Harry's clothes, his books, everything until she found it. She held it close to her heart and sighed. 'No one would take it from me again', she thought.

She ran to her dorm and instantly wrote, 'Tom?'


'You forgot me? It's me Astraea'

'I am so sorry love someone wrote here and I was afraid it might me them'

'Yes I am so sorry for that, someone stole my diary, but now I got it back'



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