Oh god

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Chapter 3:

Blake Woods:

I cannot believe this is happening

I was just kidnapped by a curly headed boy that only a few moments ago i thought i had a 'connection' with, oh how utterly wrong i was.

I am so scared

Im never going to go home again, instead i've been shoved into the back of a greasy van with 4 other men whom i do not know.

"Well who's this pretty thing" the boy with the blue eyes said smirking at me. My heart was thumping.

I was about to scream, a hand clasping over my mouth before i could do so. I felt a small tear fall down my face, turning my head slightly so they couldn't see.

"So why on earth is this girl here Styles?" One of the men said.

"She saw me rob the register, so i had to take her before she went running off to the police"

But he forced me too?

"I see, well we don't want her running off then, tie her up or something"

Harry did as the man said and proceeded to put rope around my wrists, i flinched away from him. Hoping that would deter him, doubtful though.

"No! You cant do this!! Let me go" i whispered.

"Shut up" he barked.

Excuse me?

I thought it would be better if i just kept my mouth shut, i was in a vehicle full of criminals, and i know neither one of them would hesitate to shut me up. After-all I'm the one thats been kidnapped.

I was starting to get cold, all i was wearing was my uniform. A short- ish black top with shorts and an apron.

I shuffled my feet over to the corner of the van, putting my head on my knees, trying to warm up a little. I sat, quietly weeping into them.

What has this day become?

Harry Styles:

Blake was curled up in the corner of the van, with her head in her knees, you can tell she was crying.

I know i shouldn't have taken her, but i wanted her, call me crazy but i knew i couldn't leave the country without her. Its not like shes in danger, i know we rob banks but we aren't the worst of people. I'm almost sure the boys wouldn't hurt her, especially Niall he's a big softie sometimes.

I couldn't help but feel so bad though, but in my head there was no other choice.

She is never going to forgive me

I will find a way to make it up to her eventually, maybe she will see that we aren't all that bad. She might even have fun.

But I'm not going to let a girl get me all sappy, I'm a gang leader for Christ's sake!

Oh shut up Harry

"How much longer Liam?" I questioned.

"About another hour till the airport" he stated

About half an hour later...

"Ehm Haz, your bird has fell asleep on my shoulder" Said Niall.

I looked over to see Blake, completely passed out on top of Niall, with her hair draped over her soft pale skin.

I held out my arms. "Pass her to me"

"Ok" he agreed.

Niall proceeded to carefully move Blakes body over to me, trying his best not to wake her up.

She looked so peaceful and unbothered, like an angel. I stared at her for a few seconds before stroking her hair, stopping suddenly when i realised all the boys were starring at me.

"awww Mr Harry Styles is in lovvveeeee" Zayn said in his mocking tone. A wave of embarrassment washed over me.

Quick think of something

"Shut up I'm not, her hair just looked soft..."

Wow great excuse Harry

"Mhmm" he said, the boys joining in with the laughter.

"I will kill you all right here"

They laughed again, this time me joining in, even though i wasn't completely joking..

The laughter soon stopped when there was an unexpected loud bang on the side of the van door. Making us all jolt and freeze. Starring curiously around the van.

"What the fuck was that?!"



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