Set up

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Okay so i made a trailer, its bad but i gave it a go! ^

(More of the action sort of side of the fic tho)

Chapter 21:


I have been thinking a-lot over the past few days. About me, about Harry. It is true i didn't think that i would be in this situation for a long time, a relationship. I didn't think i was ready for that type of commitment again.

But yet here i am, lying on the chest of a curly headed criminal. It was so unexpected, but it couldn't feel more right. I'm happy.

"Right you.." he said rubbing my head playfully. "I have to go, sorry.." he pouted. I let out a sad groan.

"Do you haaavveee tooooo?" I said twirling my hands in his fluffy hair.

"I'll see you later, we can watch a movie okay?"

He kissed me on the forehead before exiting the room, off on yet another robbery. These guys are rich, 'how much more money could they want?' I thought. Yet i do not dare bother to ask.

Its been about an hour now since the boys left and i thought i ought to take advantage of my alone time, knowing they will probably be home soon.

I headed down stairs, hair in a messy bun and looked through the cupboards. I decided to just take some of Niall's cereal.

He wont mind, right?

I got a bowl and tipped the box, but instead of seeing star shaped chocolatey cereal. I saw stacks of cash pouring into the dish instead.

Ah.. not actually a cereal box...

I picked another one, a real box this time and grabbed a spoon. Planting myself on the couch with my legs in a basket.

I began skimming through the channels, my jaw dropping and my eyes widening.

Oh my god

'Early this morning, multiple dead involving a robbery in the East side of town. Critics think that a new gang might be on the rise once again and on the move'

Oh my god!

They showed clips of ambulances rushing to peoples aid. Normal people, innocent people. I was sick to my stomach, i broke down, head in my hands. The first shootings that i'd seen the boys involved in were other gangs who tried to attack us, but these people were innocent. I was living with these people who i have come to realise i truly know nothing about.

No no no

Letting the tears pour down my cheeks, i abruptly heard a car door slam. I stood up quickly and ran up stairs as fast as i could, so i wouldn't have to face them. I swung the door open, running in.

I could hear muffled voices from beneath me.



"Put those downstairs" Liam ordered.

"Oi look, the Tv's still on" Niall pointed out.

I swung my head around, seeing the news channel had been left on. Blake nowhere in sight. It was us, they were talking about us, except.. they had got it all wrong. We didn't shoot anyone today. My mind suddenly went to Blake, knowing how this must of all looked.




I heard footsteps clunking up the stairs, knowing someone was about to enter. My heart was racing.

"Blake.." Harry knocked.

"Go away!!" I yelled. I don't want to see him.

"Blake.." he said opening the door, in a more softer tone.

"D-don't touch m-me" i said as i scooted further away, but he came closer anyways.

"Look, the news.. they've got it all wrong its not what you think"

I stayed quiet.

"Blake, are you listenin-"

"Innocent people Harry, you killed them!"

"Blake if you would just let me exp-"

"They're all dead!" i cried, tears rolling down my face.

"Blake if you don't calm down you are going to have another attack!"

"They had families, lives!"

"Shut up for a second and let me explain okay!?"


"It was a set up, we got a message from a rival gang saying they wanted to trade, when we got there, there intentions became clear, I'm sorry you had to see that Blake, i promise it wasn't us" he lifted his hand towards my cheek, but i flinched to the side in response. I didn't mean to it was just sort of reflex.

"Wait.. did you think i was going to hit you!?"



"Babe" he said caressing my cheek, starring deep into my eyes. "I would never hit you, ever. I promise okay?" His face was full of sympathy, i believe him.

"Come here" he said, pulling me into a gentle, comforting hug, he swayed my back and forth until my crying stopped. Letting me come to terms with it all.

We lay in bed for a while after that. I stroked my hands through his hair, there was something so calming about it.

"Should we just watch a movie in here tonight?" He asked me, looking up.

I nodded, skimming through the channels.

"Whats your favourite movie Harry?" I said, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"The Notebook"

His answer shocked me i wont lie, most guys say something cliche like... something with guns, or something..i dunno.

"Lets watch that then" i smiled.

He smiled too, nestling closer into my chest.


We were watching 'The Notebook', all was fine. I was laying on top of Blake's lap while she played with my hair. I know she does that when she's anxious, so i just let her.

It was starting to get late, my eyes were trying to close, but i wouldn't let them.

Blake has changed me. Not fully of course, but she makes me a better person, makes me want to be good. I will never let anyone hurt her again.

My mind went to Heath, what Blake said the other day.

'What if.. what if heath didn't die? What if he started the fire'

I very much doubt it, the shot was almost near his heart. There was a-lot of blood too. But if it is true, and he's still alive, and he started the fire.

Ill kill him.

Protective Harry 🙌 = scary

Got to be one of my worst chapters so far, sorry.

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