Chapter 1 :christmas party

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James Sirius black was grinning mischievously as soon as his parents and family left for the ministry's Christmas party.
The adults had left teddy lupin and kayda wealsey to watch over the kids as they were both in there twenties.

All the younger members of his family are all in the living room: Lily, Lorcan,Lysander and Hugo are playing exploding snap. Rose , Scorpious ,Albus and McKenna are in Al's room. Roxanne is in her room writing to her boyfriend frank Longbottom . Victorie is sitting on a arm chair by the fire reading a book, Dominique and Louis are playing wizards chess. Teddy and kayda are cuddling on the couch whispering sweet nothings into each others ears  with little lia black on teddy's lap happily watching a movie.
Even though James loves his family, he immediately went to his best mate: Fred wealsey ii. Fred inherited his fathers and uncles talent for pranks and James jumped with excitement when he found out. He won't admit it to anyone but he might have cried a bit... but cmon...
He had found his Sirius!

As soon as James reached Fred they grinned at each-other and discreetly wandered up the stairs towards his Mum's study. A few days ago James had pranked Albus (again) and his mum had took his pride and joy away from him : The Marauders Map.

"Cmon Freddie hurry up before kayda and teddy realise we're gone" whispered James.
It is very well known in his family that James is absolutely terrified of kayda.
"Coming, do you know the enchantment for the draw?" replied Fred when they creeped into the study
"Yeah I went under the cloak and heard her saying it"
"Well what is it?"
James didn't reply, he just whispered the incantation and the draw unlocked.
James yelled out 'yes!'
They took the map but a black box fell out of the draw as it was on top of it.
James realising he had never seen it before, smirked and picked up the box and opened it.
"What the hell is that?" Asked Fred


Lia black was very intelligent for a 3 year old and when she realised she hadn't heard her eldest brother James laughs or extremely loud and arrogant voice for about 15 minutes she became suspicious. Even though, she is the most innocent looking and her daddy's princess did not mean she didn't inherit the trouble making genetics.
Lia picked up the remote and paused her movie she turned round on her god-brothers lap and saw him kissing kayda. (Yuck)
She pouted and slapped them both gently on their cheeks, but they were to engrossed in each other to realise.
Lia loved teddy and kayda mainly because they tell James off when he's naughty and kayda scares James so much it's funny to watch when she shouts at him.
She suddenly got an idea and the infamous black/potter smirk, that makes Hoggy warts professors pale ,appear on her face.
She quietly stood up on teddy's lap and stomped where her daddy places his hands whenever mummy is mad at him. Lia didn't understand why, all she knows is that it always makes daddy more observant and gives mummy more attention.
Teddy pulled away quickly and slumped over holding boys sacred place-at least that's what mummy told Lily when she got cheated on.
Kayda cracks up laughing as teddy groans catching the attention of the whole room. As soon as they saw Lias smirk and teddy's groaning they all erupted into laughter.
That was until a loud sound went off making the occupants of the room immediately realise the absence of there pranking relatives. Kayda glared up the stairs and got up from the couch with everyone following her: teddy holding Lia on his hip.

The study

James had dropped the box after opening it making a bang on the floor but they were to engrossed in the gold necklace that James black now held in his hand. Just as he was about to say something a murderous kayda Weasley stomped into the room with the rest of his family, making James back away with the necklace still in his grasp
Lily, James sister, eyes widened when she saw what was in her idiotic brothers hand. Rose soon landed on it after seeing Lily's face and immediately ran up to James shouting
"James put that down now!"
That's when everyone else attention went to the necklace, kayda and teddy's intaked a sharp breathe making most nervous but Lia scared, she had hadn't seen teddy dark green hair since kayda was hurt on her job.
Whilst everyone was shouting she signalled to be put down.
Once she was ok the ground she pattered towards her brother and shook his arm. The shouting of who to give it to or not ceased once he glanced down at her
"Jamie... can you give it to kayda please"
James noticing his youngest sister scared expression he immediately gave it and passed it to Kayda
"Thank Merlin" Kayda sighed
Lia back over to teddy and was instantly scooped up into his arms, his hair back to how he wears it: turquoise.
"What even is it anyway" asked scorpious curiously
This time Lily answered
"A time turner"
All the kids that didn't know started and round and 'really' 'now way' and a very loud 'COOL' from the two pranksters.
James forgetting his agreement to his sister dived for it along with Fred.
"NO WAIT....."
But it was to late the time turner has smashed and a golden mist erupted the room. And they were gone. All was left was a pile of dust....

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