Chapter 5- introductions 1

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Teddy POV

I stood up and walked forward but tripped on the carpet making my hair turn pink. My family either laughed and face palmed but kayda just smiled.
I did get many looks of recognition and my cheeks burned red. I looked at Sirius, who had gasped gaining everyone attention. He was looking between me and mum then his eyes widened and he yelled out
Instead of asking my mums questioning but hopeful look I just started talking.
"Er...hello I'm teddy...teddy Remus lupin and I'm 22" they all gasped and I looked towards dad, who had a conflicted look on his face: he finally asked after getting a pat on the back and praise from Sirius
" you a.."
"No I'm not don't worry dad, I just get a bit cranky near the the full moon"
Dad sighed in relief and hugged me, immediately tears filled my eyes and I hugged him back. He let go and sat back down with a smile and signalled me to continue.
"So obviously you know my dad, but my mum is nymphadora Tonks and I was in hufflepuff and I was prefect and head boy at hogwarts."
I finished leaving the part about kayda until it's her turn.
Mum squealed hugged my dad, kissing him on the cheek then attacked me with a hug- not before tripping over the chair leg.
I buried my face in her bubblegum hair and felt another set of arms around me.
People started congratulation dad and mum. When I looked at mcgonangall she seemed pretty happy that I wasn't a trouble maker like my father... I laughed internally 'wait till she hears James name'
I sat back down with a smile and kayda discreetly kisses my cheek and walked forward.

Kayda POV

"Hello everyone, my name is kayda Weasley and I'm 21"
Gasped went around the room especially from the red heads.
Grandma burst into tears about grandchildren. Wait till she hears about the other 7. Aunt hermione had a knowing smile on her face. Once it calmed down I signalled her to say it.
"And my parent is....hermione?"
"Your Charlie's aren't you"
Dads eyes widened aswell as all the other Weasley 'probably thought dad would marry a dragon'
Grandmas looked most happiest
"Oh Charlie" and flung herself at him.
The twins and bill were smirking
'Wow Charles and here we thought—"
"—you marry a dragon"
Dad looked at me with a smile and I smiled back making him beam
"Bloody hell mione how'd you know that"uncle Ron said loudly making everyone quite and look a hermione is question
She blushed at the attention but answered
"Kayda in Japanese means 'little dragon" dad smile turner bashful and he blushed.
All Weasley shook there heads fondly with his obsession with dragons.
"As I was saying my dad is Charlie Weasley, I don't know my mum, you were in a relationship with her but you didn't know she was pregnant when you broke up. She showed up in Romania 9 months later and left me with you and took off, haven't seen her since." I shrugged dismissing the pity looks I was getting.
"Anyway I'm a griffindor I played chaser on the quidditch team, McGonagall said I lacked the qualities to become a prefect- mainly behaving myself-(got some laughs at that and a groan from McGonagall), I also take a lot of joy in having James terrified of me" James shuddered when I looked at him with a sweet smile and everyone laughs.
" oh and one more thing..."
I wave my hand in the air showing my engagement ring and my dad pales while grandma squeals. I'm grinning from ear to ear looking at my ring. I love teddy so much.
Grandma and aunt Ginny run forward to look at it and gush over how pretty it is

They inspect the ring and pull me towards the rest of the 1995 people, I sit next to my dad and raise an eyebrow at him when his eyes stayed narrowed at my hand

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They inspect the ring and pull me towards the rest of the 1995 people, I sit next to my dad and raise an eyebrow at him when his eyes stayed narrowed at my hand. Everyone is looking at him amused. I can see teddy blushing and looking down but gulps when he sees my dads expression.
Dad takes a breath
"How old are you again?"His voice cracks at then end sending everyone into laughter at the panicked man.
"I'm 21 dad" he beams at being called dad but fades When he looks at my hand again with a broken expression
Uncle bill decides to intervene and says amusedly
"Charlie you seem to have forgotten that someone must've given the ring which means she's in a..." uncle bill trails off,
his smile widening when dad head shoots up, his eyes wide and jaw hanging. The pure distress on his face make laughter erupt especially from my cousins and family since they knew how dad reacted when I told him the first time.

The twins start teasing him while Molly looks excited to find out who he is. "Let's just say grandma, he's closer that you think" looking at teddy with a loving smile
Most people heads turn to him as he sinks in his chair putting his hand on his forehead; arm covering his face.
When he realised everyone's staring he sighs. "You told them it's me didn't you?" I nod and the girls squeal but stop when they see dads face
Teddy looks at my dad and glances back at me: dad looks ready to kill him
"I should probably run shouldn't I?"
Dad dashes out of his seat towards teddy who darts off out of the room with my dad on his heals.
"Don't kill my son Charlie!" Tonks. Everyone laughs even grandma but she's in between yelling a charlie to stop and smiling and laughing.

After about 5 minutes dad comes back with a grin and ted comes in with wide eyes looking completely distracted.
Trying to contain my laughter and walk up to him and held his arms
"Are you alright love?" I only getting a nod for response
Lia walks up to him gaining everyone's attention.
She waved at his face but nothing happens and she turns back to me with a questioning look.
"Did uncle Charlie break teddy again?"
" Lia I think teddy needs a wake up call" I suggest mischievously
All curious eyes are on Lia as she walks to teddy, climbs to stand up on his lap and lifts her foot up.
All eyes widened and the guys wince
As she stomps down.
Teddy yells with a pained expression as his hair turns grey.
Everyone laughs as teddy misfortune as the bends down to the ground in pain. Remus walks up to him and put a hand on his shoulder with A smile
"You ok cub"
"Peachy" he croaks out

No one's POV

After everyone sitting back down in there seats. It's time for bill's kids to go next.
Victorie steps up, most people -boys- gape at the part Veela girl.
"Hello, I'm victorie  Weasley and I'm 21. My parents are bill wealsey and Fleur deleacor. I'm in Gryffindor and I have two siblings. I am also a healer at st Mungo's
Hello, I'm Dominique Weasley and I'm vic's younger sister and I'm 17. I'm in Ravenclaw and once I graduate hogwarts I want to be a curse breaker like dad."
Victorie and Dominique get beaming smiles from their dad.
'I have two daughters with Fluer'
Louis steps towards and people eyes bulge at the resemblance with bill.
Hello I'm Louis Weasley, vic and Dom are my older siblings and I'm 16. I am also in Ravenclaw"
"Wow...three kids" bill mutters with a smile but everyone heard him.

"Our turn" the twins step up and George and Fred perk up seeing there resemblance of there friend Angelina.

Roxanne steps forward.
"Hey I'm Roxanne Weasley, call me Rox, and I'm 16. I'm in Gryffindor and play beater with my brother on the quidditch team."
" sup I'm Fredrick George Weasley and I'm way cooler than my twin sister" -jab to the stomach-" I'm also Gryffindor and beater for the team.
And our parents are...."
Fred Weasley 1 stood up and shouted
"You stole my girlfriend!"
"You only went to the Yule ball plus I named my child after you!"
"Oh ok then, nice name you got there Fred" and Fred 1 sits back down

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